[Pdx-pm] MOTD -- Moose (Fwd: [Jifty-commit] r1583 - in jifty/branches/moose)

Eric Wilhelm scratchcomputing at gmail.com
Fri Jul 14 21:12:56 PDT 2006

I just saw this and thought I would share it with everyone.

Don't worry, I don't really have enough time and information to actually 
post a Module Of The Day on a regular basis.

Check out http://search.cpan.org/~stevan/Moose-0.11/lib/Moose.pm

  Moose - A complete modern object system for Perl 5

The rest is a snipped highlight of the diffs.


Author: audreyt
* Class::Accessor now goes away.
-sub accessors {
-    shift->SUPER::accessors,
-        qw(url escape_label tooltip continuation call returns submit
 preserve_state render_as_button render_as_link); -}
-    qw(url escape_label tooltip continuation call returns submit
 preserve_state render_as_button render_as_link) -);
+use Moose;
+has url                 => qw( is rw isa Str );
+has escape_label        => qw( is rw isa Bool );
+has tooltip             => qw( is rw isa Str );
+has continuation        => qw( is rw isa Any ); # Jifty::Continuation
 | Str +has call                => qw( is rw isa Any ); #
 Jifty::Continuation | Str +has returns             => qw( is rw isa
 HashRef );
+has submit              => qw( is rw isa ArrayRef );
+has preserve_state      => qw( is rw isa Str );
+has render_as_button    => qw( is rw isa Str );
+has render_as_link      => qw( is rw isa Str );
+no Moose;

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