[Pdx-pm] March Meeting

Eric Wilhelm scratchcomputing at gmail.com
Thu Feb 23 18:30:04 PST 2006

# from Josh Heumann
# on Wednesday 22 February 2006 11:05 pm:

>The March Meeting is two weeks away, and as of yet we do not have a
>pseaker.  How would everyone feel about having a social meeting?  Does
>anyone have suggestions for locations or activities?

Pheakers are hard to find.  I've been poking at the B modules lately, 
and would be happy to get heckled if anyone is interested in a tour of 
the compiler backends.  Another possibility is that we have a hackfest 
or other sort of ad-hoc stuff.

Lucky Lab's wifi was down Tuesday.  Assuming that's not a long-term 
problem, it could be a good spot.  The Rose and Raindrop could work, 
but only if we plan ahead.

Speak softly and carry a big carrot.

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