[Pdx-pm] OSCON Proposal Cram Session

Andrew Savige ajsavige at yahoo.com.au
Sun Feb 12 13:09:55 PST 2006

--- Kris Bosland wrote:
> On Sun, 12 Feb 2006, Andrew Savige wrote:
> > /-\ (who has lately become addicted to coffee "affogado")
> Hey Andrew, what is in a coffee "affogado"?

Chilled glass, hard ball of icecream, pour a strong shot of espresso
over it. Drink with a spoon as espresso melts icecream.

I only discovered this drink a few weeks ago (admittedly, it is more
attractive in a Sydney summer than a Portland winter ;-).

What I've found interesting is the variation: each coffee shop does
it slightly differently (though non-serious coffee shops don't know
what "affogado" means). Some may use different flavours of icecream
(my favourite so far is vanilla with embedded "clusters" of coffee).
For more variation, pour some liqueur over the icecream.


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