[Pdx-pm] April Meeting

Eric Wilhelm scratchcomputing at gmail.com
Thu Apr 13 14:23:21 PDT 2006

# from Bryce Harrington
# on Thursday 13 April 2006 02:02 pm:

>For this, have you considered offering friendly code reviews?  I would
>imagine having review and feedback could be very valuable.  Sort of
> like a fiction writer's group.

That did come up at last night's meeting.  It sounds like more 
lightning-talks and round-tables (and generally more audience 
participation oriented meetings) are pretty desirable.

I too would like to see more code review activity at the meetings.  I'm 
thinking that this can be tricky, especially if there is supposed to be 
a speaker or leader.  Mostly, things tend to slow down quite a bit if 
whoever is in charge of keeping things exciting has to stop and type 
something.  Maybe we should all share a vnc or <name real-time 
collaborative editor here> and/or pair-up to keep things churning 
along.  Also, having a tarball or svn link one week out would be 
helpful, particularly in the case where we're going to do multiple 

I didn't post it on the wiki yet, but the concensus from last night was 
that May's meeting will be a "client/boss requirements-gathering / 
mind-changing war stories" lightning/round-table with maybe some agile 
techniques discussion thrown in.

Help me name ^-- that and I'll put it on the wiki :-)

Also, chromatic volunteered to do "Perl Hacks" for June.

"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler."
--Albert Einstein

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