[Pdx-pm] Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, October 25

Josh Heumann perl-pm at joshheumann.com
Wed Oct 26 10:13:37 PDT 2005

There are a lot of books in this newsletter.  If you don't remember or
are new to the list, any member of the group can review a book on this
list for free.  Just let me know which books you want and I'll order
them.  Here's the list of books so you don't have to go looking for it:

-Practical Development Environments
-Twisted Network Programming Essentials
-FileMaker Pro 8: The Missing Manual
-Beyond Java
-My Job Went to India 
-Open Sources 2.0
-Palm and Treo Hacks
-Programming Windows Presentation Foundation
-Asterisk: The Future of Telephony
-iWork '05: The Missing Manual
-Build Your Own Standards Compliant Website Using Dreamweaver 8
-Yahoo! Hacks
-BlackBerry Hacks
-JBoss at Work: A Practical Guide
-Essential PHP Security
-PHP in a Nutshell
-Internet Forensics
-Producing Open Source Software
-Retro Gaming Hacks
-Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual
-Essential SNMP, 2nd Edition
-PHPUnit Pocket Guide
-Visual Basic 2005 Jumpstart
-Linux Desktop Pocket Guide

----- Forwarded message from Marsee Henon <marsee at oreilly.com> -----


We have been changing things around here at O'Reilly as you might have
noticed when you go to http://www.oreilly.com/. In an effort to catch up
and get ahead a little, I have listed all the books we have released
from the last newsletter until today. There are 24 books on this list. 
I think that is a record. Thanks for your help as always!


O'Reilly UG Program News--Just for User Group Leaders
October 25, 2005
-Looking for SIGs--Photoshop, Small or Home Office, Quicken or
  Quickbooks, or Filemaker
-Slashdot reviewer needed for Mapping Hacks--Can you help?
-Looking for feedback on O'Reilly Learning Labs Courses
-Web Site or Newsletter Content available from O'Reilly
-Promotional Material Available
-Safari Affiliate Program for User Groups

Book Info
***Review Books are Available 
Copies of our books are available for your members to review--
send me an email and please include the book's ISBN number on 
your request. Let me know if you need your book by a certain date. 
Allow at least four weeks for shipping. 

***Please Send Copies of Your Book Reviews
Email me a copy of your newsletter or book review.
For tips and suggestions on writing book reviews, go to:

***Discount Information
Don't forget to remind your members about the 30% discount on 
O'Reilly, No Starch, Paraglyph, PC Publishing, Pragmatic Bookshelf, 
SitePoint, and Syngress books. Just use code DSUG.

***Group Purchases with Better Discounts are Available
Please let me know if you are interested and I can put you in 
touch with our sales department.

General News or Inquiries
***Do you have a Photoshop, home or small office, Quicken, Quickbooks,
or Filemaker SIG? Let me know and we can send them some books to use.

***Looking for a Slashdot reviewer for "Mapping Hacks." Let
me know if your interested.

***Have you are your members taken courses through the O'Reilly Learning
Lab? Send me an email and share your experiences with us. 

***Looking for Web Site or Newsletter Content?
Web site and newsletter editors--you can use the sample chapters or
sample hacks we provide online for your group's web site or newsletter.
Just reprint the article and include a URL back to the original page.
You can find these chapters (if available) on the catalog page for each
book. They are also included in the new release section of each UG

Chapters are added weekly. New titles include "Excel for Starters: The
Missing Manual," "DV Filmmaking: From Start to Finish," "Podcasting
Pocket Guide," and more.

***Promotional Material Available:
The following items are available for your next meeting. Let me know the
item and the amount you'd like:

-O'Reilly Catalog--new Fall catalogs
-30% UG Discount bookmarks
-Learning Lab Discount coupons (Limited supply available)

***Safari Affiliate Program for User Groups
Give your members access to content from Safari's thousands of
technology books right on your site and raise money for your
user group at the same time. Use custom designed search boxes, 
show the latest releases, or display your favorite book cover
with our easy to use tools.

For more information and to sign up for the Safari Affiliate 
Program, go to:

O'Reilly News for User Group Members
October 25, 2005
Book News
-Practical Development Environments
-Twisted Network Programming Essentials
-FileMaker Pro 8: The Missing Manual
-Beyond Java
-My Job Went to India 
-Open Sources 2.0
-Palm and Treo Hacks
-Programming Windows Presentation Foundation
-Asterisk: The Future of Telephony
-iWork '05: The Missing Manual
-Build Your Own Standards Compliant Website Using Dreamweaver 8
-Yahoo! Hacks
-BlackBerry Hacks
-JBoss at Work: A Practical Guide
-Essential PHP Security
-PHP in a Nutshell
-Internet Forensics
-Producing Open Source Software
-Retro Gaming Hacks
-Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual
-Essential SNMP, 2nd Edition
-PHPUnit Pocket Guide
-Visual Basic 2005 Jumpstart
-Linux Desktop Pocket Guide
Upcoming Events
-Tom Limoncelli ("Time Management for System Administrators"), 
 New York City BSD User Group, New York, NY--November 2
-Jack Herrington ("Podcasting Hacks"), NCMUG, Rohnert Park, CA--
 November 15
-Tom Limoncelli ("Time Management for System Administrators") at the
 Boston Linux & Unix User Group, Boston, MA--November 16
-Sinan Si Alhir ("UML in a Nutshell") at the MilwaukeeSPIN Group,
 Milwaukee, WI--November 17
Conference News
-ETel Registration Now Open
-Conference List for 2006
-The Real Problem with Textbooks: A SafariU Editorial
-O'Reilly Authors on the Air
-Encrypting Voice: An Interview with Phil Zimmermann
-Dreamweaver 8 Does Standards
-My Top 10 CSS Tricks
-User Group Members receive a special 50% discount on Learning 
 Lab Courses
-EuroOSCON--Doctorow on Europe's Coming Broadcast Flag
-What Is Ruby on Rails?
-An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
-TextEdit's Default Format: RTF... Why?
-Security Myths: The Perimeter Is Everything
-C#: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow: An Interview with 
 Anders Hejlsberg, Part 1
-Moving Past Java: An Interview with Bruce Tate
 Diagnostic Tests with Ant
-Canon 5D: First Impressions
-Hacking Your Car: How to Get Clean Audio and Video Signals into 
  Your Car
-iPod Boxes into Art
-Kid-Tested Haunted House Tricks

Book News
Did you know you can request a free book to review for your
group? Ask your group leader for more information.

For book review writing tips and suggestions, go to:

Don't forget, you can receive 30% off any O'Reilly, No Starch, 
Paraglyph, PC Publishing, Pragmatic Bookshelf, SitePoint, or Syngress
book you purchase directly from O'Reilly.
Just use code DSUG when ordering online or by phone 800-998-9938.

***Free ground shipping is available for online orders of at 
least $29.95 that go to a single address. This offer 
applies to U.S. delivery addresses in the 50 states and Puerto Rico.
For more details, go to:

New Releases
***Practical Development Environments
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN: 0596007965
Everyone wants a good technical environment for developing their
software, and "Practical Development Environments" contains helpful
guidelines for how to create and maintain a great development
environment. It discusses some of the current tools that are available,
covering different areas such as version control, build tools, testing
tools, bug tracking systems, documentation environments, release tools,
and maintenance.

Chapter 2, "Project Basics," is available online:

***Twisted Network Programming Essentials
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN: 0596100329
This title is a task-oriented look at Twisted, a Python-based network
application framework. Twisted is fast becoming indispensable to Python
network programmers. It supports common networking protocols such as
TCP/IP, SSH, and SMTP. Using Python and Twisted, you can develop web
services applications, email clients and servers, and just about any
other type of networking application that you can conceive.

***FileMaker Pro 8: The Missing Manual
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN: 0596005792
Used by millions worldwide, FileMaker Pro is an award-winning database
program for managing people, projects, images, assets, and other
information. But it doesn't come with a manual--"FileMaker Pro: The
Missing Manual" is the book that should have been in the box. With
practical information, countless expert tips, and invaluable guidance,
it's your guide to designing and building useful databases with the
powerful and pliable FileMaker Pro.

***Beyond Java
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN: 0596100949
In "Beyond Java," Bruce Tate, author of the Jolt Award-winning "Better,
Faster, Lighter Java," chronicles the rise of the most successful
language of all time, and then lays out in painstaking detail, the
compromises the founders had to make to establish success. If you are
agree with the book's premise--that Java's reign is coming to an
end--then this book will help you start to build your skills
accordingly. Beyond Java will teach you what a new language needs to
succeed, so when things do change, you'll be more prepared. And even if
you think Java is here to stay, you can use the best techniques from
frameworks introduced in this book to improve what you're doing in Java

***My Job Went to India 
Publisher: Pragmatic Bookshelf
ISBN: 0976694018
The American IT job market is slowly coming apart at the seams, and it's
all our fault. Most of us have been stumbling around letting our careers
take us where they may, and now we're surprised when companies are
shipping jobs overseas for a fraction of the price. It's time to take
control of our careers, and in the process, learn to stay both relevant
and employed. This book will show you how to take action to avoid
becoming yet another casualty of offshoring.

***Open Sources 2.0
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN: 0596008023
"Open Sources 2.0" is a collection of insightful and thought-provoking
essays from today's technology leaders that explore open source's impact
on the software industry and reveal how open source concepts are
infiltrating other areas of commerce and society.

Beta Excerpt, "Introduction," is available online:

***Palm and Treo Hacks 
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN: 059610054X
Written for beginning to experienced Palm users, "Palm and Treo Hacks"
is full of practical, ingenious tips and tricks you can apply
immediately. Whether you're looking to master the built-in applications
or you want to trick out your Palm to the fullest, this book will
show you how to do it.

Sample hacks are available online:

***Programming Windows Presentation Foundation
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN: 0596101139
Get up to speed on Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). By page two,
you'll have written your first WPF application, and by the end of
Chapter 1, "Hello WPF," you'll have completed a rapid tour of the
framework and its major elements including the XAML markup language,
the mapping of XAML to WinFX code; the WPF content model; layout;
controls, styles, and templates; graphics, and more.

Chapter 5, "Styles and Control Templates," is available online:

***Asterisk: The Future of Telephony
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN: 0596009623
This new cost-cutting guide offers a complete roadmap for installing,
configuring, and integrating Asterisk with existing phone systems,
opening the door to open source telephony. The authors walk you through
a basic dial plan step by step, and give you enough working knowledge to
set up a simple but complete system.

Chapter 5, "Dialplan Basics," is available online:

***iWork '05: The Missing Manual
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN: 059610037X
While iWork '05 helps you create stunning documents and presentations,
it doesn't come with any in-depth documentation of its own. Refreshingly
entertaining and scrupulously detailed, our Missing Manual gives you all
the essentials of iWork '05, including countless undocumented tips,
tricks, and secrets that you won't find anywhere else. Best yet, you get
an objective look at iWork's capabilities, its advantages over similar
programs, and its limitations.

Chapter 6, "Sharing Pages Documents," is available online:

***Build Your Own Standards Compliant Website Using Dreamweaver 8
Publisher: SitePoint
ISBN: 0975240234
This book was written for any user of Dreamweaver MX who wants to create
standards compliant and fully accessible websites. Web standards are the
set of recommendations created by the W3C, which guide web developers in
making their websites fully accessible as well as making them easier to
maintain and develop. This book shows developers how to overcome
Dreamweaver's limitations and use it to create fully functional and 
standards compliant websites.

***Yahoo! Hacks
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN: 0596009453
Whether you want to become a power searcher, news monger, super shopper,
or innovative web developer, "Yahoo! Hacks" provides the tools to take 
you further than you ever thought possible.

***BlackBerry Hacks
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN: 0596101155
The versatile and flexible BlackBerry handheld computing device allows
you to stay in touch and in-the-know--no matter where you are or where
you go. For both corporate and consumer users, "BlackBerry Hacks"
delivers tips, tools, and innovative ways to most effectively use the
all-in-one phone, inbox, organizer, and browser for phone calls, instant
messaging, email, organizing, web browsing, receiving RSS feeds, and
much more.

***JBoss at Work: A Practical Guide
ISBN: 0596007345
Publisher: O'Reilly
Written for Java programmers who want to use JBoss on their projects,
this convenient guide from O'Reilly takes an in-depth look at JBoss, the
fastest growing open source tool on the market. Learn how to integrate
JBoss with other open source Java products such as Tomcat and Hibernate,
and much more. 

Chapter 3, "Building and Deploying an EAR," are avaiable online:

***Essential PHP Security
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN: 059600656X
The PHP scripting language works beautifully with other open source
tools, such as the MySQL database and Apache web server software, to
build interactive web applications. But given the frequency of attacks
on web sites, security is still an issue that developers need to
address. "Essential PHP Security" explains the types of attacks that
hackers use on web sites and how to correctly configure Apache and PHP
to guard against them. The author of "Essential PHP Security," Chris
Shiflett, is an internationally recognized expert in the field of PHP
security and his book shows developers how to guard against attacks by
writing secure PHP code.

Chapter 4, "Sessions and Cookies," can be found online:

***PHP in a Nutshell
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN: 0596100671
"PHP in a Nutshell" is a complete reference to the core of the language
as well as the most popular PHP extensions. The topic grouping, tips,
and examples in this book make it an essential reference for every PHP
programmer. It covers the functions commonly used by a majority of
developers so you can look up the information you need quickly. Whether
you're just getting started or have years of experience in PHP
development, "PHP in a Nutshell" is a valuable addition to your desk

Chapter 16, "Manipulating Images," can be found online:

***Internet Forensics
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN: 059610006X
This practical guide to Internet fraud gives you the skills you need to
fight back against the spammers, con artists, and identity thieves that
plague the Internet. The book shows you how to nab the bad guys by
extracting the information that lies hidden in every email message, web
page, and web server on the Internet. Real-world examples illustrate all
the major techniques discussed.

Chapter 4, "Obfuscation," is available online:

***Producing Open Source Software
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN: 0596007590
This comprehensive guide offers several tried and true steps to help you
successfully manage the complex process of developing free software.
Topics include project management, developer motivation, technical
infrastructure to support collaboration, and project promotion.
Producing Open Source Software is ideal for developers starting their
own free software projects, or people who simply want to participate in
the process.

Chapter 4, "Social and Political Infrastructure," is available online:

***Retro Gaming Hacks
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN: 0596009178
Video game journalist Chris Kohler serves up hard-nosed hacks for
reviving classic games. Want to game on an original system? Kohler shows
you how to hack ancient hardware, and includes a primer for home-brewing
classic software. Rather adapt today's equipment to run retro games?
Kohler provides emulation techniques, complete with instructions for
hacking a classic joystick that's compatible with a contemporary

***Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN: 0596006608
Becoming a Mac convert is easy--so long as you've got our new Missing
Manual. This incomparable guide delivers what Apple doesn't: everything
you need to know to smoothly and seamlessly move to a Mac. Bestselling
author David Pogue teams up with Adam Goldstein to cover every aspect of
the switch in a refreshingly funny and down-to-earth style.

***Essential SNMP, 2nd Edition
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN: 0596008406
Written for network and system administrators, this practical book
introduces the basics of SNMP and offers the technical background to use
it effectively. This updated edition covers version 3 and offers
valuable information on SNMP scripting and programming. Five new
chapters and a host of real examples have been added. Administrators
will attain a solid foundation for managing their networks, creating
managed objects, and extending the operation of SNMP agents. 

The complete set of examples is available at: 

***PHPUnit Pocket Guide
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN: 0596101031
This handy guide answers all your PHPUnit questions, and then some.
Written by the tool's creator, "PHPUnit Pocket Guide" delivers insight
and sage advice not found anywhere else. It brings together
hard-to-remember information, syntax, and rules for working with this
popular code-testing tool. Perfect for developers of any level.

***Visual Basic 2005 Jumpstart
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN: 059610071X
Okay VB6 developers--time's up. Microsoft no longer supports this
version of Visual Basic, but VB 2005 offers several attractive reasons
to upgrade. Our jumpstart guide lets you test-drive the beta version of
VB 2005 with three hands-on projects that let you learn the new syntax
quickly. It's the painless way to migrate, and the perfect training
manual for moving to the world of .NET.

Chapter 4, "Developing a Windows Application, is available online:

***Linux Desktop Pocket Guide
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN: 059610104X
Using Linux doesn't have to be hard. This book introduces you to the
five most popular desktop distributions and covers essential topics such
as configuring video card's screen resolution, sound, and wireless
networking. Laptop issues are covered too. Explore desktop apps,
including browsers, IM, and email clients with the same functionality as
those used on Windows.

Chapter 1, "Distributions," is available online:

***MAKE Magazine Subscriptions Available
The annual subscription price for four issues is $34.95. When you
subscribe with this link, you'll get a free issue--the first one plus
four more for $34.95. So subscribe for yourself or friends with this
great offer for charter subscribers: five volumes for the cost of four.
Subscribe at:

Upcoming Events
***For more events, please see:

***Tom Limoncelli ("Time Management for System Administrators"), New
York City BSD User Group, New York, NY--November 2	
Author Tom Limoncelli discusses techniques he's developed over the last
fifteen years including how to find time to get projects done, the best
way to manage interruptions from users, open source tools for tracking
requests, and how to turn chaos into free time.

***Jack Herrington ("Podcasting Hacks"), NCMUG, Rohnert Park,
CA--November 15
Jack will walk us through the basics of podcasting, starting with audio
recording using a variety of equipment that he will bring along. He also
covers multi-track editing and mixdown with Audacity, conversion to MP3,
and uploading to a podcasting enabled blog that integrates into iTunes.

***Tom Limoncelli ("Time Management for System Administrators") at the
Boston Linux & Unix User Group, Boston, MA--November 16
Tom discusses techniques he's developed over the last fifteen years
including how to find time to get projects done, the best way to manage
interruptions from users, open source tools for tracking requests, and
how to turn chaos into free time.
***Sinan Si Alhir ("UML in a Nutshell") at the MilwaukeeSPIN Group,
Milwaukee, WI--November 17
Author Sinan Si Alhir presents "The Art of Agility: Project Management
and Software Development" at a meeting of the Milwaukee Software Process
Improvement Network (SPIN) Group.

Conference News
***ETel Registration Now Open
Emerging telephony networks enable a new generation of powerful
communication applications, which threaten established business
models--but more importantly, open up new opportunities and new markets.
O'Reilly's Emerging Telephony Conference, January 24-26 in San
Francisco, aims to articulate this revolution, provide a framework, and
spark creative discussions among enterprise managers, developers,
hackers, and sponsors interested in telephony. Join us as we explore
this exciting new territory and investigate its implications.

Use code "etel06dsug" when you register, and receive 15% off the
registration price.

To register for the conference, go to:

***Conference List for 2006 So Far

O'Reilly Emerging Telephony Conference
January 24-26, 2006
San Francisco, California
O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference 2006
March 6-9, 2006
San Diego, California

MySQL Users Conference 2006
April 24-27, 2006
Santa Clara, California

News From O'Reilly & Beyond
General News
***The Real Problem with Textbooks: A SafariU Editorial 
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) reports that textbook prices
rose 186 percent from 1986 to 2004--twice the rate of inflation. This
populist revolt is getting lots of press, but the problem with textbooks
is deeper and more fundamental than high prices: expensive textbooks are
relics of the pre-internet world. O'Reilly CIO CJ Rayhill explicates and
highlights O'Reilly's web-based co-publishing tool: SafariU.

***O'Reilly Authors on the Air:
11/5 10:00am PT--David Pogue talks about the Missing Manual series on
the "Digital Village" radio show.  Archives of the shows are available

11/22  5:00PM PT David Pogue and Adam Goldstein interviewed on the
"Computer Outlook" radio show on "Switching to the Mac: The Missing
Manual, Tiger Ed." Podcast of the show online.

11/23  5:00pm PT--Jack Herrington on the "Computer Outlook" radio show
with host John Iasiulo on "Podcasting Hacks." Podcast of the show

***Encrypting Voice: An Interview with Phil Zimmermann
VoIP Magazine recently interviewed Phil Zimmermann, creator of PGP, the
most widely used email encryption software. Phil discusses the urgency
of creating powerful encryption for VoIP, among other issues. Phil will
be speaking at O'Reilly's upcoming Emerging Telephony Conference,
January 24-26 in San Francisco.

***Dreamweaver 8 Does Standards
The latest incarnation of Dreamweaver--version 8--supports web standards
and the WCAG with more fervour than ever before. Rachel Andrew explains
the product's evolution, and shows how to set up Dreamweaver 8 for
standards-compliant development.

***My Top 10 CSS Tricks
For years, designers have manipulated CSS to meet their needs. Now
Trenton has compiled his favourite tips to help you get more out of your
designs. From page-width, the text-transform command, and IE-specific
tricks, to hints on creating CSS documents for hand-held devices, these
powerful tips will save you time and hassle.

***User Group Members receive a special 50% discount on Learning Lab
As an O'Reilly User Group member, you save on all the courses in the
following University of Illinois Certificate Series:
-Linux/Unix System Administration 
-Web Programming
-Open Source Programming
-.NET Programming

This offer ends December 31st, 2005.  To redeem, use Promotion Code
"ORALL1" to save 50%. Each course comes with a free O'Reilly book and a
7-day money-back guarantee. Register online:

Open Source
***EuroOSCON--Doctorow on Europe's Coming Broadcast Flag 
In Cory Doctorow's closing keynote at O'Reilly's first-ever European
Open Source Convention, he stated, "Right now we find ourselves in the
midst of a global attack on free software. A global attack that is
supposed to uphold copyright, but that has no nexus with what copyright
actually does." At the heart of this attack, asserts Cory, is the DRM
and certain American entertainment companies' push for a Broadcast Flag
in Europe. Daniel Steinberg reports on Cory's keynote.

***What Is Ruby on Rails?
Ruby on Rails is an impressive web development framework that will soon
reach version 1.0. While there's a lot of buzz, it can sometimes be
difficult to discern the steak beneath the sizzle. Curt Hibbs walks
through the features and pieces of Ruby on Rails to show how it fits
together and where its big benefits come from.

***An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 
Have you ever thought about using an iSight to take and classify images,
such as those of a user sitting at the iMac? We have. And while we're
working on that tutorial, we thought it might be a good idea to first
publish a background piece on artificial intelligence.

***TextEdit's Default Format: RTF...Why? 
Rich Text Format (.rtf) is the default choice for Mac OS X's TextEdit.
Have you ever wondered why? Giles Turnbull takes a look at the RTF spec
and discusses its strengths and shortcomings...and possibly uncovers
why Apple chose it as the default for text processing.

***Security Myths: The Perimeter Is Everything 
Is the perimeter the be-all and end-all of network defense? Mitch
Tulloch, author of Windows Server Hacks, takes a look at whether it's
time to kill the myth that perimeter defense is everything.

***C#: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow: An Interview with Anders
Hejlsberg, Part 1 
Anders Hejlsberg, in charge of the ongoing development of the C#
programming language for Microsoft, talks about the past, present, and
future of C#. Among other topics, he covers the implementation of C#
generics (compared to Java), nullable types, and how language integrated
query is implemented.

***Moving Past Java: An Interview with Bruce Tate
WebServicesSummit.com recently interviewed Bruce Tate about the future
of Java and web development. Bruce discusses scalable enterprise
applications, database-enabled applications, AJAX, and lightweight
solutions for web development, while questioning whether Java is still a
technology for the masses. Bruce is the author of the newly released
"Beyond Java."

***Diagnostic Tests with Ant 
Determining what's gone wrong with your software--source or binary--in a
remote location is no simple task. Before taking a call and walking the
user through error-prone troubleshooting, why not collect information
about the user's system and the application files? Koen Vervloesem shows
how you can do this with Ant.

Digital Media
***Canon 5D: First Impressions
The first thing that's noticeable about the EOS 5D is that it is a
full-frame camera. I took a shot out of my hotel window with an EF 24-70
L zoom lens at 24mm. My reaction was, "So that's where my wide-angle has
been hiding all these years." James Duncan Davidson reports on the Canon
5D after his first assignment with it.

***Hacking Your Car: How to Get Clean Audio and Video Signals into 
  Your Car 
In the living room, red, white, and yellow RCA jacks are the universal
standard for input. Wouldn't it be nice if car manufacturers did the
same and put these jacks in your car? Damien Stolarz thinks so, and
shows you how to hack your ride to get a clean audio and video signal
into your car. Damien is the author of "Car PC Hacks." 

***iPod Boxes into Art
There are millions and millions of iPods out there, but what happens to
all the empty boxes? The packaging is pretty nice, and at this point, as
iconic as the iPod itself. So in Maker spirit, here is a photo diary of
HOW TO turn an empty iPod into a little robot-looking guy. Made with
just the packaging materials, hot glue, and paint, it could be a fun
project for kids.

***Kid-Tested Haunted House Tricks
Eric Wilhelm's Halloween Haunted House Controller project in Make 03
explained how to build a multi-relay controller board that synchronizes
lights, sounds, and other effects with soundtracks playing through
Winamp on a laptop. This article describes some of the scare scenarios
that Eric has staged using this controller, plus some other kid-tested
tricks from haunted houses he's built.

Sample Projects from MAKE:

>From Your Peers
***Don't forget to check out the O'Reilly UG wiki to see what user
groups around the globe are up to:

Until next time--

Marsee Henon

1005 Gravenstein Highway North  
Sebastopol, CA   95472
http://ug.oreilly.com/  http://www.oreilly.com

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