[Pdx-pm] powerbook power cable

Chris Dawson xrdawson at gmail.com
Tue Oct 25 11:20:31 PDT 2005

My G4 powerbook powercable has failed.  The cable states it outputs 
24.5V.  Is anyone working at a coffee shop or otherwise in the vicinity 
of SE 30th & Hawthorne with an identical cable that I could use for 20 
minutes?  I'm happy to head anywhere within a few miles.  This is all so 
I can hotsync my partially dead Treo before sending it back for 
repairs.  What a day. 

It might seem like an odd request for this list, but it seems everyone 
uses a powerbook nowadays at the PDX.pm meetings, so I figured someone 
might be able to help me.  I assume no one wants to know about the 
thrilling resolution to this thread, so please contact me offlist. 


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