[Pdx-pm] Fwd: [Komodo-discuss] Komodo 3.5 Beta !

dhmedley@aol.com dhmedley at aol.com
Wed Oct 5 19:51:56 PDT 2005

This is an IDE for Perl that I have used for quite awhile in both the 
Win32 and
Linux versions... and they announced the OS X version around the time 
Remembering all of the Powerbooks I saw at the monthly meeting I last 
I thought this might be of interest ....
Beta licenses do have a time expiration, but are otherwise fully 

Dennis H. Medley
Cymberlaen Software
DHMedley at aol.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Griffiths <jeffg at ActiveState.com>
To: komodo-discuss at listserv.ActiveState.com
Sent: Tue, 04 Oct 2005 20:42:08 -0700
Subject: [Komodo-discuss] Komodo 3.5 Beta !

   ActiveState released a beta build of Komodo 3.X for OS X today, and 
will follow this with Win32 and Linux builds sometime in the next week. 
I've been doing some testing with dev builds on Linux and am pleased to 
report that everything seems to be working quite nicely.

  I verified the Pango bug fixes using Ubuntu 5.10, and am also pleased 
to report that Komodo seems to be running a bit faster on my system 
than 3.1 did, in terms of both start-up *and* responsiveness of the 
interface. It is also using a more feature-full file dialog in Gnome ( 
haven't tested running KDE ).

 A brief synopsis of 3.5 / '3.X':

 - now running on Firefox 1.5 codebase
 - native 'Aqua' interface on OS X
 - Ruby support, including Ruby Tk support in the GuiBuilder
 - added support for the Perl Tkx module to GuiBuilder
 - cool new icon!
  - bug fixes by the dozens, and in particular fixes for VPM and the 
Perl debugger

  If you have a Mac, please go and grab the beta and let us know what 
you think:


  If you're running on Win32 / Linux, hold tight for a few days. We will 
have some new builds for you to check out, that should work on all the 
new distro releases coming up this fall:

 Suse 10
 Fedora Core 5?
 Ubuntu 5.10


 cheers, JeffG
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