[Pdx-pm] Special August Meeting Friday

Josh Heumann perl-pm at joshheumann.com
Fri Aug 5 15:55:37 PDT 2005

<quote who='Austin Schutz' when='Fri, Aug 05, 2005 at 03:47:35PM -0700'>
> 	That's a long time.

I should mention that he's willing to pair it down.

> Should we bring anything? I'd be happy to bring
> a case or two of soda or the like.
> 	Pdx Pm Potluck?

I like the idea of a potluck, but I think we don't have enough lead time
for one tonight.  That said, Austin, if you want to bring some soda, I'm
sure people would appreciate it.

Also, another thing that I forgot to mention before: there will be
pdx.pm shirts available at the meeting tonight, for those of you who
weren't able to get one at the conference.


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