[Pdx-pm] October Meeting #2 tonight

publiustemp-pdxpm at yahoo.com publiustemp-pdxpm at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 13 13:16:43 CDT 2004

--- Thomas J Keller <kellert at ohsu.edu> wrote:
> You know, we only have elections every four years. This one is
> without 
> a doubt critical, and the debates seem have been substantive and
> widely 
> viewed. I vote to move the meeting to another night.

Ordinarily, that's what I would think.  Given that I'm the presenter,
though, I thought it wouldn't be nice of me to suggest that.  I'd much
prefer to watch the debates, but I made a commitment so I'll stick with
it if that's the consensus.  However, if people want to move the
meeting (or just have it as next month's regularly scheduled meeting),
I'm perfectly fine with that.  Politics is more important than Perl.


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