[Pdx-pm] DBD::mysql cont.

James marks jamarks at jamarks.com
Wed Mar 31 02:00:39 CST 2004

On Mar 30, 2004, at 11:44 PM, Austin Schutz wrote:

> 	If it were my box I'd make sure my path were what I expected it to be
> (as root) and then go for install via -MCPAN again, e.g.:
> $ sudo -s -u root
> # echo $PATH
> (path)
> # perl -MCPAN -eshell
> (etc.)
> 	It doesn't sound like you've done anything destructive (yet) to your
> system or your base perl install, other than take up a few extra 
> filesystem
> bytes. If you're getting angry at your current progress you might just 
> clear
> out everything under .cpan/build/ and go from there. *shrug*

Not angry at all, just feeling a little like my Perl/programming/*NIX 
legs aren't as long as the water is deep and just trying to make it to 

I will try your suggestions and the suggestions offered by others  and, 
again, I really appreciate all the help.

Thanks again,


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