[Pdx-pm] method required text, how do I give it a variable?

Thomas J Keller kellert at ohsu.edu
Tue Jun 15 15:04:09 CDT 2004


I want to use Mac::AppleScript to launch something on a Mac running OS X

the module has a function called RunAppleScript that apparently only 
takes text as input:
Usage: Mac::AppleScript::RunAppleScript(text) at test_mac_as line 13.

I want to hand it a variable. Here's the code that does work, followed 
by what I thought should work but doesn't

########## This works ########
use Mac::AppleScript qw(RunAppleScript);

RunAppleScript(qq(tell application "Finder"\nactivate\ndisplay dialog 
"Greetings from Perl!"\nend tell))
	or die "Didn't work.\n";

############ This doesn't work, even though $string is what I want 
interpolated  #######
use Mac::AppleScript qw(RunAppleScript);

my @apples = <<EOL =~ m/\S.*\S/g;
	qq(tell application "Finder"\\n
		display dialog "Greetings from Perl!"\\n
	end tell)

my $string = join "", @apples;
print "$string\n";

	or die "Didn't work.\n";


Your assistance will be greatly appreciated.
Tom K.

Tom Keller, Ph.D.
kellert at ohsu.edu
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