[Pdx-pm] [SOT] perl based software recommendations

Roderick A. Anderson raanders at acm.org
Wed Jan 21 20:03:45 CST 2004

I support a non-profit with a domain and we're getting ready to up grade 
their OS.  Several of the applications they use are *_OLD_*.  I built the 
server when Redhat Linux 6.1 was new.  Since money was tight as usual I 
used several free and open source applications that have since gone a 
bit stale.
   I want to upgrade them but google and CPAN searches were either
less-filling or of a gluttonous quantity.  No middle ground.  I'd like to
get this lists recommendations for perl based:  web mail, web calendaring,
and mailing lists managers.
   The web calendaring choices (free/open source/perl) were easy.  Only
one (WebCal) - still if there are any I missed I'd like to hear about
them.  This is the only one I'll mention so I don't pollute.

    "Open Source Software - You usually get more than you pay for..."
     "Build A Brighter Lamp :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL"

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