Damian Conway free presentation in portland - your input needed

Colin Kuskie ckuskie at tality.com
Tue May 29 15:31:47 CDT 2001

On 29 May 2001, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

> As a part of the package that Damian offers in delivering three days
> of training Aug 1-3 at CPD, he's giving me a chance to offer a
> one-night free event, which I'm inclined to make co-sponsored by
> PDX.pm and Stonehenge in all my literature.

Cool!  Uh, what's CPD?  Is that like CPR (the McMenamins in Hillsboro :) ? 

> This is where y'all come in.   Here's the list of topics:
>     I'd be happy to do something on Perl 6, especially if I have access to
>     both screen projection and a whiteboard.
>     Otherwise (with just screen projection) I'll be happy to give any of the
>     following:
>             * Quantum::Superpositions
>             * Perligata : Perl for the XXIimum Century
>             * Extreme Perl: The Horror that is SelfGOL
>             * Life, The Universe, And Everything
>             * New Modules from The Conway Channel

I have to say Perl 6 is the way to go.



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