[Job Opening] Looking for qualified geeks...

Rob Bloodgood robb at empire2.com
Tue May 23 13:50:19 CDT 2000

Well, I was at the PM meeting last week (or whenever that was) and the
thing that was mentioned repeatedly was that several of the people present
would be interested in better/different jobs.

In that vein:
I'm the head geek at a small internet startup, and I'm overwhelmed.  I'm
the only one that knows perl or any development anything.

Our latest project is viewable at http://www.exitexchange.com
This is an Linux/Apache/mod_perl site, backed by an Oracle database, and
most of the dynamic PAGES are built w/ HTML::Embperl, with complex handlers
written in mod_perl w/ templates for the output.
Unfortunately, some of the design needs work because the goal was to get
things up and running QUICKLY vs. CORRECTLY.

So now I'm stuck in an annoying situation where "standard" sections of the
pages are implemented as PL/SQL with HTP.P(<html and variables here>) all
over the place.  It makes it a real pain to maintain, as well as being slow
as snot because each of these components has to make an LWP call back to
the server <shudder>.  Porting this to embedded Perl/DBI isn't such a hard
deal, except that my time is maxed.

Any person who would be up to this task would be a VERY welcome addition to
the team.  I can't tell you how many times a month I write 15-line Perl
scripts or do single shell-based operations that take around 20 minutes to
do, but again only I can do it.

The right person for this job doesn't have to be a hands-down, no-holds
barred, all-encompassing wizard... we already have one of those. :-) But if
you've got actual experience solving problems and developing solutions on a
day-to-day basis, and you want to get in on a new startup that is a month
or two away from accepting its first round of VC (lots of really nice toys!
 We just got a 4-CPU Sun 450 w/ 2GB RAM and 109GB RAID this morning), you
should definitely contact me.

My email appears in this message, or I can be reached M-F 10-6 and would
love to hear from you.


(Oh, and BTW:)

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