PDX.pm meeting - May 16th

Zach Zurflu zach at pabst.bendnet.com
Mon May 15 11:33:26 CDT 2000

I reserved a table for 20 at Who-Song and Larry's for tomrrow night at
6:30pm. You'd all better show up to help us eat the enormous amount of
chips and salsa that they bring for a table of that size!


On Mon, 8 May 2000, Masque wrote:

> Yes, it's that time again, kids.  The next PDX.pm meeting will be at 
> WhoSong and Larry's down on the waterfront, off of Macadam.  Their
> number is up on the pdx.pm.org web page - feel free to call for directions.
> I'll be there about 6:30pm, we'll call that the official 'start' time.  ;)
> Paul.


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