[Oslo.pm] GoOpen 2011 - Registration is closing soon!
Salve J Nilsen
salve at friprog.no
Man 14. Mar 2011 10:33:58 PDT
GoOpen is opening soon!
[Please forward this mail to your colleagues or any communities
you're a part of that might be interested in this mail. Thanks!]
Norway's biggest Open Source conference opens next week - Deadline for
registration is on Friday at noon!
* GoOpen 2011
* March 22nd and 23rd 2011
* Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel, Holbergs plass, Oslo
* http://www.goopen.no/program/
* Register before Friday March 18th at 12:00
* http://www.goopen.no/pamelding/
This year we have five tracks, where three touch on technical issues
and two focus on topics concerning organisations and businesses in
public and private sectors. The lineup is very strong and should be
relevant for everyone interested in learning about Open Source, Open
Data and related themes and issues.
Program highlights:
- Allison Randal (Ubuntu) tells us about Ubuntu's view of the future
of application development.
- Bjørn Ruberg (Redpill Linpro) shares his experiences of fighting a
real Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack
- Erik Möller (Wikimedia Foundation) will share his view of
Wikipedia's next ten years
- Jon Anders Teigen (Arktekk) gives a taste of the Scala programming
language, and shows us some of it's most appealing qualities
- Kristin Lyng (met.no) gives us a look into the nuances of opening
data for public use
- Ole C. Langfjæran (BEKK) compares the critical differences when
developing apps for iPhone, Android and with HTML5
- Wilhelm Friis-Baastad (Forskningsrådet) shares his experiences of
exchanging a commercial tool to an Open Source one.
- There's plenty more! Details at http://www.goopen.no/program/
GoOpen is Norway's biggest Open Source conference, and a great
meetingplace for anyone who cares about FLOSS, Open Standards and
related topics. GoOpen is a wonderful place to meet, learn and get
For more info and registration, please see the conference website at:
Kind regards,
- The GoOpen program group, Christer, Martin and Salve
Mer informasjon om epostlisten Oslo.