OC-PM: EasySlice and Source Filters?

Kip Hampton kip at web.oakley.com
Mon Jan 13 11:44:45 CST 2003

Wilson, Douglas wrote:

 > It wasn't really brought up how namespaces were handled
 > with the EasySlice module, and since source filters were also
 > mentioned, so for the fun of it, I came up with this source filter
 > to allow something like '$object->foo:bar' and have 'foo:bar' be the 
 > name.


A word of caution to anyone attempting to integrate Douglas' fine work 
into EasySlice, please do make it a fatal error if the prefix used in 
the method shortcut is not bound to a URI.

IMO, $node->foo:bar() should cause the script to croak if the prefix 
'foo' is not bound to a URI (either by the user, or within the scope of 
the current node in the existing document)..

Pendantic? Perhaps. But by the rules of XML, a namespace prefix *must*
be bound to a URI and we don't want to make it too easy to produce
not-well-formed XML that a subsequent parse will choke on.



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