[HRPM] Multiline matching

Santiago Nieva sgalayar at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 15 03:15:16 CST 2001

 Hi again, 
Thanks to everyone (especially Branson and collin).
I´ve learned a couple of very useful tips !!.
  This is finally what I did:

open(LF,"< $logfile") or die "cannot open

while ( $twolines = <LF> ) {
   $twolines .= <LF>;
   ($message,$date)=($twolines =~ /(.*)\n(.*)/); 
# - This regex is so funny, but it works for me - 
# In the next line, I filter: by date, and a key word
# like "user" 

print "$message: $date\n" if ( ( $date =~
/2001-03-07/)       && ($message =~ /user/ ));

# I´ll probably use two parameters for dates and key 
# word  


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