[Niederrhein-pm] Fwd: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, November 23

R. Kuepper niederrhein-pm at web.de
Mit Nov 24 09:16:53 CST 2004

------- Forwarded message -------
From: Marsee Henon <marsee at oreilly.com>
To: burbach at gwl.de
Subject: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, November 23
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2004 17:13:26 -0800

> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> General News
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> ***Thanks!
> Thanks to everyone who answered our recent inquiries about online book
> reviews and Word Annoyances for one of our new books. The response was
> overwhelming. So much that I can't thank everyone individually, so if you
> haven't heard from me, know you know why. This leads to the next news
> item....
> ***November and December are Heavy Book Months and Marsee is Behind
>   on her Email
> November and December are busier than normal months for us here at
> O'Reilly. We have 22 books coming out in November and this doesn't 
> include
> our publishing partners' books. I want to send as many books out as I can
> before the December holidays so I really need your help in letting me 
> know
> what you want quickly and include your deadline for your next
> meeting/event in your subject line. Please make sure your list of review
> copies includes the book title and ISBN. In order to speed things up, I'm
> not going to reply to each email as I normally do. I have already started
> doing this in the last few weeks so please don't feel like I am ignoring
> you; I'm just trying to catch up. Hopefully we can return to normal after
> the New Year.
> ***SitePoint Booklet Samplers for your members--Still Available
> Let me know how many you need and I can send some copies of this 150-page
> booklet that features four chapters from four recent books including "The
> Flash Anthology," "The PHP Anthology," "Build Your Own ASP.NET Website
> Using C# & VB.NET" and "The Web Design Business Kit." (Available while
> supplies last.)
> For more information on SitePoint, go to:
> http://sitepoint.oreilly.com/
> ================================================================
> O'Reilly News for User Group Members
> November 23, 2004
> ================================================================
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Book News
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> -Treo Fan Book
> -PowerBook Fan Book
> -iBook Fan Book
> -Xbox Fan Book
> -Securing Windows Server 2003
> -The CSS Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks
> -Oracle Utilities Pocket Reference
> -Programmer's Ultimate Security DeskRef
> -Unit Test Frameworks
> -Inside the Spam Cartel
> -PC Hacks
> -Degunking Your Email, Spam, and Viruses
> -Gaming Hacks
> -Smart Home Hacks
> -Head First Design Patterns
> -Knoppix Hacks
> -Windows to Linux Migration Toolkit
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Upcoming Events
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> -Wil Wheaton ("Just a Geek"), Barnes & Noble,
>   Huntington Beach, CA--November 30
> -Nathan Torkington ("Perl Cookbook"), Open Source
>   Developers' Conference, Melbourne, Australia--December 1-3
> -Gordon Meyer ("Smart Home Hacks"), DigitalGuru,
>   Sunnyvale, CA--December 15
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Conference News
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> -Registration is Open for O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference,
> San Diego, CA-- March 14-17, 2005
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> News
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> -O'Reilly author Wil Wheaton Just Added as a Speaker at Macworld
>   San Francisco
> -Interesting Work for Interesting People
> -Hacks for Smart Homes
> -"Spam Kings" Author Shares Insights, Spam-Prevention Tips
> -Open Source Licenses Are Not All the Same
> -make: The Evolution and Alternatives
> -The Youngest "Learning Python" Fan
> -Write a Webserver in 100 Lines of Code or Less
> -iPod Photo: Breakthrough Device or Work in Progress?
> -Building Simple Lists Using Strings in VBA
> -Skins and Themes
> -Extending Struts
> -Take the ONJava.com Survey
> -Creating iPod Tattoos
> -Could Ringtones Be More Annoying?!
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>> From Your Peers
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> -First Annual New York Technical Community Holiday Party, NY, NY--
>   December 15
> -London Perl Workshop, London, UK--December 11
> ================================================
> Book News
> ================================================
> Did you know you can request a free book to review for your
> group? Ask your group leader for more information.
> For book review writing tips and suggestions, go to:
> http://ug.oreilly.com/bookreviews.html
> Don't forget, you can receive 20% off any O'Reilly, No Starch,
> Paraglyph, Pragmatic Bookshelf, SitePoint, or Syngress book you
> purchase directly from O'Reilly.
> Just use code DSUG when ordering online or by phone 800-998-9938.
> http://www.oreilly.com/
> ***Free ground shipping is available for online orders of at
> least $29.95 that go to a single U.S. address. This offer
> applies to U.S. delivery addresses in the 50 states and Puerto Rico.
> For more details, go to:
> http://www.oreilly.com/news/freeshipping_0703.html
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> New Releases
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> ***Treo Fan Book
> Publisher: O'Reilly
> ISBN: 0596008163
> Owners of the Treo smartphone from palmOne will master their 
> revolutionary
> little do-all device in no time flat with the new "Treo Fan Book." This
> unbeatable reference guide contains all the information people need--and
> want--to know about the combined mobile phone/Palm-powered
> organizer/wireless email, text messaging, and web-browsing tool/digital
> camera.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/treofb/index.html
> ***PowerBook Fan Book
> Publisher: O'Reilly
> ISBN: 0596008171
> This is the perfect guide for mastering all the features and taking
> advantage of the advanced capabilities of Apple's most desirable laptop.
> The "PowerBook Fan Book" takes readers through the process of getting
> familiar with their new machine and OS X Panther, learning handy tricks
> and using high-end features, and finding out about little-known but
> gotta-have accessories for their sleek and speedy new PowerBook.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/powerbkfb/index.html
> ***iBook Fan Book
> Publisher: O'Reilly
> ISBN: 0596008619
> Anyone who owns an ultra-thin iBook can count on the "iBook Fan Book" to
> give them everything they need to make the stylish little white wonder
> work--and play--just as hard as they do. The book covers: getting 
> familiar
> with Mac OS X Panther; organizing a digital lifestyle; using advanced 
> features;
> enjoying iBook at home, at the office, and on the go; minimizing time and
> stress; and maximizing fun and productivity.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/ibkfanbk/index.html
> ***Xbox Fan Book
> Publisher: O'Reilly
> ISBN: 0596008848
> With cool 3D graphics, mind-boggling animation, and
> devastatingly real audio, Microsoft's Xbox is the most powerful and
> popular gaming machine ever created. And now, the half-million (and
> growing) gamers who own one have a reliable, all-purpose reference book
> to guide them to the ultimate video game triumph: the top score! The 
> "Xbox
> Fan Book" covers using the console, enhancing the multimedia experience,
> online play, recommended games like Halo, and accessories such as the
> Xbox DVD Playback Kit.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/xboxfanbk/index.html
> ***Securing Windows Server 2003
> Publisher: O'Reilly
> ISBN: 0596006853
> If you use Windows 2003 Server at a small- to medium-sized organization,
> or if you use Microsoft's Small Business Server, this thorough yet 
> concise
> tutorial offers the hands-on advice you need to secure your network. The
> book focuses on ways to plan and implement a secure operating 
> environment,
> using real-world examples to show you how various security concepts 
> relate
> to your own system. Read it cover to cover to create and implement a
> security plan, or use individual chapters as standalone lessons.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/securews/
> Chapter 4, "File System Security," is available online:
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/securews/chapter/index.html
> ***The CSS Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks
> Publisher: SitePoint
> ISBN: 0957921888
> Make your site easier to maintain and faster to load with Cascading Style
> Sheets. This book answers the 101 most common CSS questions about
> everything from styling text to using CSS for layout. Plus, you'll learn
> how to use CSS to create accessible and standards-compliant web sites. 
> All
> solutions and effects are cross-browser compatible and easy to customize.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/0957921888/
> ***Oracle Utilities Pocket Reference
> Publisher: O'Reilly
> ISBN: 0596008996
> "Oracle Utilities Pocket Reference" is a quick-reference guide to the
> multitude of Oracle utilities that database administrators use every day.
> Packed with information in an easy-to-read format, this compact resource
> supplies the syntax and options for whatever utility a DBA needs to
> perform a given task. Some of the utilities documented include:
> SQL*Loader, for loading data; expdp and exp for exporting data to another
> database; oradebug for use in troubleshooting; and loadjava and dropjava
> for loading and unloading Java programs.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/oracleutilpr/
> A sample excerpt, "expdp," is available online:
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/oracleutilpr/
> ***Programmer's Ultimate Security DeskRef
> Publisher: Syngress
> ISBN: 1932266720
> "The Programmer's Ultimate Security DeskRef" is the only complete desk
> reference covering multiple languages and their inherent security issues.
> It will serve as the programming encyclopedia for almost every major
> language in use. While there are many books starting to address the broad
> subject of security best practices within the software development
> lifecycle, none has yet to address the overarching technical problems of
> incorrect function usage. Most books fail to draw the line from covering
> best practices security principles to actual code implementation. This
> book bridges that gap and covers the most popular programming languages
> such as Java, Perl, C++, C#, and Visual Basic.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/1932266720/
> ***Unit Test Frameworks
> Publisher: O'Reilly
> ISBN: 0596006896
> This is the only book to explore unit testing as a language-independent,
> standalone development methodology. It covers the theory and methodology
> of unit test frameworks, offers instruction in unit test development,
> provides useful code examples in both Java and C++, and details the most
> commonly used frameworks from the XUnit family, including JUnit for Java,
> CppUnit for C++, and NUnit for .NET. It also includes the complete source
> code for CppUnit for C++ and NUnit for .NET.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/unitest/
> Chapter 3, "The xUnit Family of Unit Test Frameworks," is available
> online:
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/unitest/chapter/index.html
> ***Inside the Spam Cartel
> Publisher: Syngress
> ISBN: 1932266860
> "Inside the Spam Cartel" is a methodical, technically explicit expose of
> the inner workings of the spam economy. The book offers you a view inside
> this dark underworld, the sophistication and sheer size of which will
> shock you. You'll meet the characters that control the flow of money as
> well as the hackers and programmers committed to keeping the enterprise 
> up
> and running. You may disagree with their objectives, but you'll marvel at
> their ingenuity and resourcefullness in defeating spam filters, avoiding
> identification, and staying one step ahead of the law.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/1932266860/
> ***PC Hacks
> Publisher: O'Reilly
> ISBN: 0596007485
> "PC Hacks" shows you how to enhance performance and prevent problems with
> your PC. You'll learn about hacking the system board, BIOS, peripherals,
> and operating system, and overclocking CPU and video cards, tweaking RAM
> timing, and selecting the best performing components. This step-by-step,
> hack-by-hack guide covers both Windows and Linux, and includes advice on
> reusing an old PC to offload work from newer systems, as well as ways to
> prevent security problems.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/pchks/
> Sample hacks are available online:
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/pchks/chapter/index.html
> ***Degunking Your Email, Spam, and Viruses
> Publisher: Paraglyph Press
> ISBN: 193211193X
> "Degunking Your Email, Spam, and Viruses" outlines Paraglyph's unique
> 12-step Degunking program, written in everyday language for all computer
> users, that will teach you all the tried-and-true techniques to keep your
> computer clutter-free and running well. The "Degunking with Time
> Limitations" chart shows how you can improve your computer's performance
> and keep your email better organized, whether you have ten minutes or a
> few hours. The book also provides information and links to free utilities
> and programs that will help you get rid of viruses, manage your email
> better, and protect your computer.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/193211193X/
> ***Gaming Hacks
> Publisher: O'Reilly
> ISBN: 0596007140
> It doesn't take long for an avid or just wickedly clever gamer to be
> chafed by the limitations of videogame software and hardware. If you want
> to go far beyond the obvious, there's a tremendous amount of free fun you
> can have by following the creative exploits of the gaming gurus. "Gaming
> Hacks" is the indispensable guide to cool things gamers can do to create,
> modify, and hack videogame hardware and software.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/gaminghks/
> Five sample hacks are available online:
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/gaminghks/chapter/index.html
> ***Smart Home Hacks
> Publisher: O'Reilly
> ISBN: 0596007221
> "Smart Home Hacks" covers a litany of stand-alone and integrated smart
> home solutions designed to enhance safety, comfort, and convenience in 
> new
> and existing homes. Learn how to equip your home with motion detectors 
> for
> added security, install computer-controlled lights for optimum
> convenience, mount an in-home web cam or two purely for entertainment, 
> and
> much more. No matter what your technical level may be, this book will 
> help
> you achieve the automated home of your dreams.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/smarthomehks/
> Sample hacks are available online:
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/smarthomehks/chapter/index.html
> ***Head First Design Patterns
> Publisher: O'Reilly
> ISBN: 0596007124
> In the manner of O'Reilly's popular new Head First Series, "Head First
> Design Patterns" is visually rich and designed for the way your brain
> works. Applying teaching techniques developed in response to the latest
> research in neurobiology, cognitive science, and learning theory, the 
> book
> will load patterns into your brain in a way that sticks. You'll be able 
> to
> put what you've learned to work immediately, and you'll find that you're
> better at solving software design problems. Become fluent in the language
> of Design Patterns by putting your head first.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/hfdesignpat/
> ***Knoppix Hacks
> Publisher: O'Reilly
> ISBN: 0596007876
> "Knoppix Hacks" is an invaluable collection of 100 industrial-strength
> hacks for new Linux users, power users, and system administrators who are
> using or considering the Knoppix Live CD, which is included with the 
> book.
> These tips and tools show how to use the live CD to troubleshoot, repair,
> upgrade, disinfect, and generally be productive without Windows, and
> without the difficulty of installing Linux itself.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/knoppixhks/
> Five sample hacks are available online:
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/knoppixhks/chapter/index.html
> ***Windows to Linux Migration Toolkit
> Publisher: Syngress
> ISBN: 1931836396
> "Windows to Linux Migration Toolkit" is a unique book that offers a
> complete solution for migrating from Windows to Linux. It provides
> migration process planning, automated migration scripts,
> anti-virus/anti-spam solutions, and specific migration and deployment.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/1931836396/
> ================================================
> Upcoming Events
> ================================================
> ***For more events, please see:
> http://events.oreilly.com/
> ***Wil Wheaton ("Just a Geek"), Barnes & Noble,
>   Huntington Beach, CA--November 30
> Don't miss Wil reading from his autobiography. He will be there from
> 7:00pm-8:30pm.
> Wil Wheaton's Blog:
> http://www.wilwheaton.net/
> ***Nathan Torkington ("Perl Cookbook"), Open Source Developers'
>   Conference, Melbourne, Australia--December 1-3
> Nat gives a keynote presentation on open source trends at this grass 
> roots
> style event.
> http://www.osdc.com.au/index.html
> ***Gordon Meyer ("Smart Home Hacks"), DigitalGuru, Sunnyvale, CA--
>   December 15
> Gordon makes an appearance at the DigitalGuru Computer Bookshop starting
> at 12:30 p.m. DigitalGuru will be offering a 40% discount on Gordon's 
> book
> that day.  (If you can't wait til December 15, be sure to stop by 
> DigitalGuru
> between November 29 and December 10 to take advantage of a
> special sale: 40% off ALL O'Reilly books, as well as books by our 
> publishing
> partners.) DigitalGuru is located at 546-3 Lawrence Expressway in
> Sunnyvale, CA.
> http://www.digitalguru.com/index.asp?cookie%5Ftest=1
> ================================================
> Conference News
> ================================================
> ***Registration is Open for 2005 O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference,
>   San Diego, CA--March 14-17, 2005
> Early Bird registration for ETech has just opened. This year's conference
> theme is "Remix," which infuses ETech's roll-up-your-sleeves tutorials,
> to-the-point plenary presentations, and real world focused breakout
> sessions. Come to ETech and discover how applications and hardware are
> being deconstructed and recombined in unexpected ways. Learn how users 
> and
> customers are influencing new interfaces, devices, business models, and
> services.  For all the scoop on tutorials, featured speakers, and
> conference events, check out:
> http://conferences.oreillynet.com/etech/
> User Group members who register before January 31, 2005 get a double
> discount. Use code DSUG when you register, and receive 20% off the
> "Early Bird" price.
> To register for the conference, go to:
> http://conferences.oreillynet.com/cs/et2005/create/ord_et05
> ================================================
> News From O'Reilly & Beyond
> ================================================
> ---------------------
> General News
> ---------------------
> ***O'Reilly author Wil Wheaton at Macworld
> Actor, comedian, blogger, and self-described geek Wil Wheaton will 
> deliver
> a special  feature presentation at Macworld San Francisco. Wheaton will
> discuss his personal story, as well as the joys of web design, HTML, and
> blogging on Thursday, January 13, 2005 at 9:30 a.m. This
> ever-popular actor-turned-writer will also attend a book signing after
> his presentation.
> Wil Wheaton's Blog entry:
> http://www.wilwheaton.net/mt/archives/001739.php
> Macworld press release:
> http://home.businesswire.com/portal/site/google/index.jsp?ndmViewId=news_view&newsId=20041109005168&newsLang=en
> ***Interesting Work for Interesting People
> O'Reilly Media is looking for a web designer; an Office, .NET; and 
> Windows
> programming editor; a national account manager; product managers; a
> systems analyst; and software engineers; among others. For a complete 
> list
> of open positions, visit:
> http://jobs.oreilly.com/
> ***Hacks for Smart Homes
> Implementing home automation may be easier and less expensive than you
> ever imagined. By using your computer, your home can become much smarter.
> Gordon Meyer, author of "Smart Home Hacks," covers the basics of
> automating your home with MisterHouse, an open source home automation
> application for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X. Move a step beyond 
> automatic
> lights to a home that actually responds to stimuli.
> http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2004/11/11/smrthome_hks1.html
> ***"Spam Kings" Author Shares Insights, Spam-Prevention Tips
> In this interview with TechSoup, Brian McWilliams talks about the most
> effective way to fight spam, anti-spam legislation, why spammers spam, 
> the
> types of scam people most often fall for, and much more.
> http://www.techsoup.org/howto/articlepage.cfm?ArticleId=566
> ---------------------
> Open Source
> ---------------------
> ***Open Source Licenses Are Not All the Same
> As open source and the Internet continue to grow in popularity, more and
> more users and developers come into contact with open source code. Though
> the various licenses increase user rights somehow, they all do it in
> different ways and with different goals. Steve Fishman categorizes 
> several
> popular licenses and explains their implications.
> http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2004/11/18/licenses.html
> ***make: The Evolution and Alternatives
> After 13 years of the O'Reilly classic, "Managing Projects with make, 2nd
> Edition," coauthor Andy Oram looks back and summarizes the evolution of
> make. With the recent release of "Managing Projects with GNU make, 3rd
> Edition," author Robert Mecklenburg offers an adapted excerpt comparing
> Ant, IDEs, and make for managing the build process.
> http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2004/11/18/gnumake_3e.html
> ***The Youngest "Learning Python" Fan
> How old do you have to be to appreciate O'Reilly's books? Not very. Tim
> Pietzcker shows us how much his 17-month-old son likes "Learning Python,"
> and other readers chime in with similar experiences (including Chicago
> Perl Monger Andy Lester). The appeal of O'Reilly animals proves to be
> cross-generational in our latest "Letters."
> http://www.oreilly.com/pub/a/oreilly/letters/2004/python_1104.html
> ---------------------
> Mac
> ---------------------
> ***Write a Webserver in 100 Lines of Code or Less
> REAL Software programmer and tester Jonathan Johnson shows you the power
> and simplicity of developing with REALbasic by walking you through the
> building of a working webserver. After this tutorial, you'll not only 
> have
> a pratical knowledge or REALbasic, but you'll have a cool little server
> too.
> http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/2004/11/19/realbasic.html
> ***iPod Photo: Breakthrough Device or Work in Progress?
> After spending three years as the most popular digital music player, the
> iPod has evolved. No longer just music to your ears, the new color iPod
> photo boasts plenty of eye candy with storage for as many as 25,000
> photos. Is it really everything you ever wanted? Hadley Stern, author of
> "iPod & iTunes Hacks," takes an in-depth look with his review.
> http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/2004/11/16/ipod_photo.html
> ---------------------
> Windows/.NET
> ---------------------
> ***Building Simple Lists Using Strings in VBA
> Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), the language used for scripting
> Microsoft Word, isn't really known for its string-processing abilities.
> But sometimes, string hacking is a quick and convenient way to solve a
> problem, and the string functions VBA does provide are often up to the
> task. In this article, Andrew Savikas, author of "Word Hacks," shows you
> how to use strings for simple lists.
> http://www.windowsdevcenter.com/pub/a/windows/2004/11/16/wdhks_2.html
> ***Skins and Themes
> In his previous column, Jesse Liberty showed you how to use web forms
> security to create a personalized site. Here, he builds on that work to
> introduce the concepts of skins and themes, which allow users to 
> configure
> the look and feel of your site.
> http://www.ondotnet.com/pub/a/dotnet/2004/11/15/libertyonwhidbey.html
> ---------------------
> Java
> ---------------------
> ***Extending Struts
> With so many web application frameworks available, there's little point
> reinventing the wheel, especially when Struts offers remarkable
> extensibility. Sunil Patil introduces the three basic means of extending
> Struts to achieve custom web application behavior.
> http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2004/11/10/ExtendingStruts.html
> ***Take the ONJava.com Survey
> We're asking ONJava.com readers to participate in an online survey. 
> You'll
> help shape our online editorial direction and influence which book titles
> we pursue. And you'll have a chance to win some of our most popular Java
> books.
> http://www.zoomerang.com/recipient/survey-intro.zgi?p=WEB223X7HZ42HJ
> ---------------------
> Digital Media
> ---------------------
> ***Creating iPod Tattoos
> One of the benefits of the Apple-HP iPod partnership is HP's clever idea
> to let iPod owners customize their devices using "tattoos." You can
> download predesigned ones from the HP site, or create your own with an
> inkjet printer. Tony Williams shows you how.
> http://digitalmedia.oreilly.com/2004/11/17/ipod_tattoos.html
> ***Could Ringtones Be More Annoying?!
> People absolutely love annoying ringtones, and the annoying effect they
> have on everybody else around them. This is really good news for those in
> the audio business.
> http://digitalmedia.oreilly.com/2004/11/10/drescher_bbq04_ringtone.html
> ================================================
>> From Your Peers
> ================================================
> ***First Annual New York Technical Community Holiday Party,
>   NY, NY--December 15
> Network with hundreds of New York's top IT professionals in a private 
> SoHo
> lounge space, where you'll have a chance to connect with the industry's
> top vendors and experts. Join authors and fellow IT pros for
> presentations, giveaways, open bar, hors d'oeuvres, and a unique
> networking opportunity in Manhattan.
> Admission is free, RSVP required.
> http://nyphp.org/nytchp.php
> ***London Perl Workshop, London, UK--December 11
> This event is intended to allow Perl beginners to learn from 
> long-standing
> members of the community, while also giving the experts a chance to make
> easy tasks seem trivial, and hard tasks seem easy.
> Imperial College
> http://london.pm.org/lpw/
> Don't forget to check out the O'Reilly UG wiki to see what user groups
> across the globe are up to:
> http://wiki.oreillynet.com/usergroups/index.cgi
> Until next time--
> Marsee

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