[nr-pm] Fwd: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, May 13

"R. Küpper" niederrhein-pm at web.de
Fre Mai 14 02:22:14 CDT 2004

------- Forwarded message -------
From: Marsee Henon <marsee at oreilly.com>
To: burbach at gwl.de
Subject: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, May 13
Date: Thu, 13 May 2004 16:55:00 -0700

> ================================================================
> O'Reilly News for User Group Members
> May 13, 2004
> ================================================================
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Book News
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> -Hacking the Code
> -iPhoto 4: The Missing Manual, 3rd Edition
> -Network Security Hacks
> -Word Pocket Guide, 2nd Edition
> -JavaServer Faces
> -Managing and Securing a Cisco SWAN
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Upcoming Events
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> -Derrick Story ("Digital Photography Hacks," "Digital Photography Pocket
> Guide"),Unruh's Photography, Santa Rosa, CA--May 15
> -Virtual Author Event, "Meet & Geek"--May 22
> -O'Reilly at Microsoft Tech Ed 2004, San Diego, CA--May 23-28
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Conference News
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> -Mac OS X Conference Call for Participation--Ends June 11
> -O'Reilly Open Source Convention Early Bird Discount--Ends June 18
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> News
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> -We've got a new name--O'Reilly Media
> -Treo 600: Not Your Parents' PalmPilot
> -Web Programming Certificate Series
> -Learning Assembly Language Is Still a Good Idea
> -Building a Parrot Compiler
> -Take Command of Your Linux Commands
> -"Version Control with Subversion": Introduction
> -The Missing Digital Photography Hacks
> -Automated Web Photo Galleries with iPhoto and Perl
> -Hacking Excel, Part 1
> -An Inside Look at XP SP2
> -Performance Analysis of J2EE Applications Using AOP Techniques
> -The State of JAXB: Availability, Suitability, Analysis, and Architecture
> -Creating an FTP Client in .NET
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> News From Your Peers
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> -Does your group need help with publicity or meetings?
> ================================================
> Book News
> ================================================
> Did you know you can request a free book to review for your
> group? Ask your group leader for more information.
> For book review writing tips and suggestions, go to:
> http://ug.oreilly.com/bookreviews.html
> Don't forget, you can receive 20% off any O'Reilly, No Starch,
> Paraglyph, or Syngress book you purchase directly from O'Reilly.
> Just use code DSUG when ordering online or by phone 800-998-9938.
> http://www.oreilly.com/
> ***Free ground shipping is available for online orders of at
> least $29.95 that go to a single U.S. address. This offer
> applies to U.S. delivery addresses in the 50 states and Puerto Rico.
> For more details, go to:
> http://www.oreilly.com/news/freeshipping_0703.html
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> New Releases
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> ***Hacking the Code
> Publisher: Syngress
> ISBN: 1932266658
> "Hacking the Code" covers almost all known security issues related to
> coding for the Web. It explains how certain code can be attacked, shows
> how to edit the code, and offers case studies and examples--actual code
> you can drop right into your applications. The book establishes policies
> for object input, shows how to audit existing code for potential security
> problems, and offers best practices for maintaining a session state,
> handling cookies, getting user input, and more. You don't want a course 
> on
> security; you just want to fix your code. This book will be your guide.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/1932266658/
> ***iPhoto 4: The Missing Manual, 3rd Edition
> Publisher: O'Reilly
> ISBN: 0596006926
> Users will find a lot to like about the new iPhoto 4, and The Missing
> Manual covers it all in detail and with scrupulous objectivity. But this
> authoritative guide goes further, giving readers the basics they need to
> make iPhoto really work, including coverage of the essentials of
> photography, editing basics, and photo presentation. "iPhoto 4: The
> Missing Manual, 3rd Edition" covers all of these elements step by step,
> and offers details on even the smallest nips and tucks.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/0596006926/
> ***Network Security Hacks
> Publisher: O'Reilly
> ISBN: 0596006438
> This information-packed book provides more than 100 quick, practical, and
> clever things to do to help make your Linux, Unix, and Windows networks
> more secure. These security hacks don't just cover securing TCP/IP-based
> services; they also provide intelligent host-based security techniques.
> Loaded with concise but powerful examples of applied encryption, 
> intrusion
> detection, logging, trending, and incident response, the book 
> demonstrates
> effective methods for defending your servers and networks from a variety
> of devious and subtle attacks.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/netsechacks/
> Five sample hacks are available online:
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/netsechacks/chapter/index.html
> ***Word Pocket Guide, 2nd Edition
> Publisher: O'Reilly
> ISBN: 0596006845
> Newly updated for Word 2003, this compact quick reference covers 
> Microsoft
> Word's keyboard shortcuts, user interface, commands, and tasks. It
> provides an overview of fundamental Word concepts, then explains how to
> accomplish specific actions, such as formatting, spellchecking, editing,
> printing, customizing, and more. The book also contains reference tables
> for quick lookup of keyboard shortcuts, regular expressions, and common
> file locations. If you're a Word power user, making the move to Word 
> 2003,
> or wanting advanced shortcuts and problem-solving help, "Word Pocket
> Guide, 2nd Edition" is a must-have.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/wordpg2/
> ***JavaServer Faces
> Publisher: O'Reilly
> ISBN: 0596005393
> "JavaServer Faces" teaches developers how to use the new JavaServer Faces
> framework to build real-world web applications. The book covers 
> everything
> you'll need: how to construct the HTML on the front end; how to create 
> the
> user-interface components that connect the front end to your business
> objects; how to write a back end that's JSF-friendly; and how to create
> the deployment descriptors that tie everything together. This book is a
> complete guide to the crucial new JSF technology.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/jsvrfaces/
> Chapter 1, "Introducing JavaServer Faces" and Chapter 2, "JSF Development
> Process Overview" are available online:
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/jsvrfaces/chapter/index.html
> ***Managing and Securing a Cisco SWAN
> Publisher: Syngress
> ISBN: 1932266917
> This book is essential reading for any network admin, network engineer, 
> or
> security consultant responsible for the design, deployment and/or
> management of a Cisco Structured Wireless-Aware Network. It covers all
> product features, with particular attention to the challenges of
> integrating legacy Cisco products into a Wireless-Aware network.
> Specifically, the book will include coverage of Cisco IOS Software-based
> Cisco Aironet Series access points, Cisco and Cisco Compatible client
> adapters and the CiscoWorks Wireless LAN Solution Engine (WLSE).
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/1932266917/
> ================================================
> Upcoming Events
> ================================================
> ***For more events, please see:
> http://events.oreilly.com/
> ***Derrick Story ("Digital Photography Hacks," "Digital Photography 
> Pocket
> Guide"), Unruh's Photography, Santa Rosa, CA--May 15
> O'Reilly author and pro photographer Derrick Story is presenting three
> mini-sessions designed to help you get the most out of your digital
> camera. Sessions begin at 1:00 p.m., and he'll be around to answer
> questions and sign copies of his books between sessions. Unruh's will 
> also
> have specials on digital cameras and accessories.  823 Fourth St., Santa
> Rosa, CA.
> http://www.unruhsphoto.com/
> ***Virtual Author Event, "Meet & Geek," MacCenter, South Florida--May 22
> Hook up with Snaggy and Nitrozac ("The Best of the Joy of Tech") and Wil
> Wheaton "Dancing Barefoot" in South Florida. Say "hey" via iChat and
> iSight, and get a copy of your book signed with digital ink. Signings 
> will
> be held several times throughout the afternoon.
> http://www.maccenter.com/seminars/events/2004/05/meetandgeek.lasso
> ***O'Reilly at Microsoft Tech Ed 2004, San Diego, California--May 23-28
> Drop by our booth (#1849), say howdy, and look over our latest
> publications.
> http://www.microsoft.com/seminar/teched2004/default.mspx
> ================================================
> Conference News
> ================================================
> ***Mac OS X Conference Call for Participation--Ends June 11
> If you're pushing the Mac envelope, we want you to speak at our third
> annual Mac OS X Conference this October. We're looking for proposals from
> developers building new apps, admins tapping the open source toolbox,
> small business owners powering their bottom lines, and digital musicians
> leveraging X's muscle--but we're open to surprises, too.
> The deadline for proposals is June 11.
> http://conferences.oreillynet.com/cs/macosx2004/create/e_sess
> ***O'Reilly Open Source Convention Early Bird Discount--Ends June 18
> User Group members who register before June 18, 2004 get a double
> discount. Use code DSUG when you register, and you'll get 20% off the
> "Early Bird" price.
> To register, go to:
> http://conferences.oreillynet.com/cs/os2004/create/ord_os04
> O'Reilly Open Source Convention
> Portland Marriott Downtown
> Portland, OR
> July 26-30, 2004
> http://conferences.oreilly.com/oscon/
> ================================================
> News From O'Reilly & Beyond
> ================================================
> ---------------------
> General News
> ---------------------
> ***We've got a new name--O'Reilly Media
> O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. is now O'Reilly Media, Inc. As we enter our
> second quarter-century, we've changed out name to reflect our expanding
> array of products and services. Though the legendary "animal books" 
> remain
> a centerpiece of O'Reilly's business, the new name better conveys our
> diverse technology information offerings--conferences, the O'Reilly
> Network suite of web sites, Safari Tech Books Online, and the new
> web-based custom publishing platform, SafariU.
> http://press.oreilly.com/pub/pr/1168
> ***Treo 600: Not Your Parents' PalmPilot
> Palm's Handspring Treo 600 is at the very high end of the PDA spectrum. 
> It
> provides full PalmOS5.2 support with a fast 144MHz ARM processor, a full
> GSM or CDMA cell phone, full proxyless web browsing and email support,
> synchronization with Palm Desktop and Microsoft Outlook, a 640 by 480
> camera with the ability to email directly from the camera, and an SD/MMC
> card slot. Ian Darwin takes you inside in this in-depth review.
> http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/wireless/2004/04/29/treo600.html
> ***Web Programming Certificate Series
> This six-course series from the O'Reilly Learning Lab teaches you the
> skills needed for web programming, web administration, and web site
> development. You'll learn HTML, JavaScript, XML, SQL, Perl, and Unix. 
> Upon
> completion of the series, students receive a Certificate of Professional
> Development from the University of Illinois Office of Continuing
> Education. And for a limited time, enroll in all six courses and save
> 50%.
> http://oreilly.useractive.com/courses/webprogramming.php3
> ---------------------
> Open Source
> ---------------------
> ***Learning Assembly Language Is Still a Good Idea
> Randall Hyde makes a case for the relevance of learning assembly language
> even today. The key, he says, is to learn how to efficiently implement an
> application, and the best implementations are written by those who've
> mastered assembly language. Randall is the author of No Starch's "Write
> Great Code."
> http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2004/05/06/writegreatcode.html
> ***Building a Parrot Compiler
> The virtual machine for Perl 6 is not just for Perl 6 anymore. Parrot is 
> a
> high-level, high-performance target for all sorts of languages. Dan
> Sugalski, coauthor of "Perl 6 Essentials," demonstrates by building a
> compiler for a vintage 4GL.
> http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2004/04/15/parrot_compiler_construction.html
> Dan and his coauthor, Allison Randal, are both speaking at July's Open
> Source Convention:
> http://conferences.oreilly.com/oscon/
> ***Take Command of Your Linux Commands
> In this SearchEnterpriseLinux.com interview, Dan Barrett lists the top
> five Linux commands that IT managers should know, Linux tools that should
> be mastered, best and worst Linux practices, and the funniest commands in
> his lexicon. Dan is the author of "Linux Pocket Guide."
> http://searchenterpriselinux.techtarget.com/qna/0,289202,sid39_gci958417,00.html
> ***"Version Control with Subversion": Introduction
> Subversion is an open source version control system that can access its
> file repository across networks. Various people are able to modify and
> manage the same set of data from their respective locations. 
> Collaboration
> is fostered, and changes can occur more rapidly. This preview of Chapter 
> 1
> from "Version Control with Subversion" (available in July) gives you the
> history, features, architecture, and components of this important new
> version control system.
> http://opensource.oreilly.com/news/subversion_ch01.html
> ---------------------
> Mac
> ---------------------
> ***The Missing Digital Photography Hacks
> Derrick Story says "The quest to compile compelling hacks is not 
> something
> I can just turn off now that 'Digital Photography Hacks' has hit the
> streets. It's an addictive process. And I admit it; I can't stop. So here
> are five brand-new tips for you to explore."
> http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/2004/05/11/photo_hacks.html
> ***Automated Web Photo Galleries with iPhoto and Perl
> If iPhoto is working nicely as your digital shoebox, but you want to
> automate the process of creating web galleries for your own server, 
> here's
> a nifty setup using sendmail, MySQL, and Perl. Mike Schienle, who
> specializes in task automation for a living, shows you the system he
> designed for his wife, who is an avid photographer.
> http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/2004/05/07/iphoto_perl.html
> ---------------------
> Windows
> ---------------------
> ***Hacking Excel, Part 1
> Learn how to create a workable speedometer (or "speedo") chart, complete
> with moving needle, by using a combination of doughnut and pie charts, in
> this sample hack from O'Reilly's "Excel Hacks."
> http://www.windowsdevcenter.com/pub/a/windows/excerpt/excelhacks_chap05/index.html
> ***An Inside Look at XP SP2
> The first real beta of SP2, Release Candidate 1, is finally out. Final
> release is only a few months away. Is it ready for prime time? And what's
> inside? Wei-Meng Lee gives you an inside look.
> http://www.windowsdevcenter.com/pub/a/windows/2004/05/04/SP2RC1.html
> ---------------------
> Java
> ---------------------
> ***Performance Analysis of J2EE Applications Using AOP Techniques
> It's tricky to profile a J2EE application to find performance 
> bottlenecks;
> it's even trickier to do this with a production system, without
> introducing instability or new slowdowns. Aspect-Oriented Programming
> (AOP) offers a means of injecting new code, such as performance metrics,
> into existing code, without re-compiling. Ramchandar Krishnamurthy shows
> how this can be done.
> http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2004/05/12/aop.html
> ***The State of JAXB: Availability, Suitability, Analysis,
> and Architecture
> JAXB, now part of Sun's Web Services Developer Pack, offers a means of
> converting between Java objects and an XML representation. But is it the
> ideal solution? Satya Komatineni investigates what JAXB has to offer.
> http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2004/05/05/jaxb.html
> ---------------------
> .NET
> ---------------------
> ***Creating an FTP Client in .NET
> "The .NET framework provides the plumbing, allowing you to concentrate on
> the application you are building." At least, that's the theory, but when
> it comes to FTP, .NET has a bit of a gap in the pipes. Jesse Liberty 
> shows
> you how to write a simple FTP application in .NET.
> http://www.ondotnet.com/pub/a/dotnet/2004/05/10/ftpdotnet.htm
> ================================================
> News From Your Peers
> ================================================
> ***Does your group need help with publicity or meetings?
> Check out  these helpful articles on our User Group Resource page
> on our wiki:
> http://wiki.oreillynet.com/usergroups/view?UGResources
> O'Reilly User Group Wiki
> http://wiki.oreillynet.com/usergroups/index.cgi
> Until next time--
> Marsee

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