[nr-pm] Fwd: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, July 11

R. Burbach niederrhein-pm at web.de
Sam Jul 12 02:21:53 CDT 2003

------- Forwarded message -------
From: Marsee Henon <marsee at oreilly.com>
To: burbach at gwl.de
Subject: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, July 11
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2003 17:18:30 -0700 (PDT)

> O'Reilly User Group Program
> Newsletter
> July 11, 2003
> Please share the information your members would be interested in....
> Highlights This Week:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Book News
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> -Programming .NET Security
> -Learning UML
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Upcoming Events
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> -Macworld CreativePro, New York, NY--Jul 14-18
> -LinuxWorld Exhibit, San Francisco, CA--Aug 5-7
> -IEEE Computer Society Bioinformatics Conference, Palo Alto, CA--Aug 11- 
> 14
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Conferences
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> -Registration is Open for the Second Annual O'Reilly Mac OS X
> Conference
> -Put Up an O'Reilly Mac OS X Conference Banner, Get a Free Book
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Safari
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> -"Go On Safari" Tip of the Week Winner--Vincent Danen, Edmonton Linux 
> Users Group
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> News
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> -Free Shipping on O'Reilly Orders
> -Vote for Your Favorite O'Reilly Book
> -Meeting Tim O'Reilly "In the Flesh"
> -The State of Open Source
> -An Interview with the Author of "Practical mod_perl"
> -Creating Email Templates with XML
> -Using Network Streams
> -The Document is the Database
> -O'Reilly Happenings at the Macworld CreativePro Conference
> -Hydra, VoodooPad, Finish Tops in Second Mac OS X Innovators Contest
> -Dot Mac Reloaded
> ================================================
> Book News
> ================================================
> Review books are available--email me for a copy.
> ***Please include the book order number on your requests.
> Let me know if you need your books by a certain date.
> Allow at least four weeks for shipping. Send or email me copies of your 
> newsletters and book reviews.
> Don't forget, your members get 20% off any O'Reilly book they purchase
> directly from O'Reilly. Just use code DSUG when ordering.
> http://www.oreilly.com/
> ***Group purchases with better discounts are available***
> Please let me know if you are interested.
> Press releases are available on our press page:
> http://press.oreilly.com/
> ***Programming .NET Security
> Order Number: 4427
> With the spread of web-enabled desktop clients and web-server-based
> applications, developers can no longer afford to treat security as an
> afterthought. In fact, .NET forces you to address the topic since
> Microsoft has placed security-related features at the core of the .NET
> Framework. Even so, carelessness and lack of experience can enable a
> program to be used in an unintended way. This book shows programmers
> how to use. .NET's various tools to write secure applications.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/prognetsec/
> Chapter 4, "The Lifetime of a Secure Application," is available
> online:  http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/prognetsec/chapter/index.html
> ***Learning UML
> Order Number: 3447
> "Learning UML" introduces and leads you toward mastery of the Unified
> Modeling Language. You'll learn how UML is used to model the structure
> of a system, how to employ use-case diagrams to model the functionality
> of a system, and how component and deployment diagrams are used to
> model the way in which a system is deployed in a physical environment.
> Each chapter ends with exercises you can use to test your growing
> knowledge of UML and its concepts.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/learnuml/
> Chapter 8, "Activity Diagrams," is available online:
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/learnuml/chapter/index.html
> ===============================================
> Upcoming Events
> ===============================================
> ***Macworld CreativePro. New York, NY--Jul 14-18
> O'Reilly's got lots of Mac going on--see our latest offerings in the
> Big Apple. Drop by our booth in the Expo Hall (it's #322) and catch
> iMovie and iPhoto presentations from authors David Pogue ("Missing
> Manual" Series) and Derrick Story ("iPhoto 2: The Missing Manual," 
> "Digital Photography Pocket Guide," and "Digital Video Pocket Guide").
> O'Reilly's Activities at Macworld CreativePro NY:
> http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/2003/07/09/macworld.html
> MacWorld CreativePro
> The Javits Center
> 655 West 34th Street
> New York, NY
> http://www.javitscenter.com/content/guide/here/main.htm
> ***LinuxWorld Exhibit, San Francisco, CA--Aug 5-7 Say hello to our 
> friendly staff, and page through our latest
> publications, as well as our classic references, at our booth #1473.
> http://www.linuxworldexpo.com/linuxworldny03/V40/index.cvn?
> The Moscone Center 747 Howard Street
> San Francisco, CA http://www.moscone.com/
> ***IEEE Computer Society Bioinformatics Conference, Palo Alto, CA--Aug 
> 11-14 Visit with us and peruse our collection of bioinformatics and other
> books at our booth.  http://conferences.computer.org/bioinformatics/
> Stanford University
> Memorial Auditorium
> At the corner of Galvez and Serra Streets.
> 551 Serra Street, Stanford, CA. Palo Alto, CA 
> http://conferences.computer.org/bioinformatics/CSB2003/Site.html
> ================================================
> Conference News
> ================================================
> ***Registration is Open for the Second Annual O'Reilly Mac OS X
> Conference
> Do you want to tame Panther quickly, or live Apple's iLife to the
> fullest? If so, the second annual O'Reilly Mac OS X Conference can take
> you where you want to go with Apple's newest software and hardware. One
> day of in-depth tutorials and three days of conference sessions cover
> topics like network security, Cocoa, Java, Rendezvous, Quartz, AirPort
> Extreme, workflow management, Unix administration, and much more. Some
> of the many experts presenting at the conference include David Pogue,
> Adam Engst, mmalcolm Crawford, Dan Wood, Andy Ihnatko, Robb Beal, and
> Dan Frakes.
> O'Reilly Mac OS X Conference
> October 27-30, 2003
> Westin Santa Clara, Santa Clara, CA
> http://conferences.oreilly.com/macosxcon/
> User Group members who register before September 12, 2003 get a double
> discount. Use code DSUG when you register, and receive 20% off the
> "Early Bird" price.
> To register, go to:
> http://conferences.oreillynet.com/cs/macosx2003/create/ord_mac03
> ***Put Up an O'Reilly Mac OS X Conference Banner, Get a Free Book
> We are looking for user groups to display our conference banners on
> their web sites. If you send me the link to your user group site with
> our O'Reilly Mac OS X Conference banner, I will send you the
> O'Reilly book of your choice.
> O'Reilly Mac OS X Conference Banners:
> http://ug.oreilly.com/banners/macosx2003/
> ================================================
> Safari News
> ================================================
> ***"Go On Safari" Tip of the Week Winner--Vincent Danen, Edmonton Linux 
> Users Group
> "Safari is a welcome resource for this book-a-holic in that it saves me
> time and a lot of money.  I regularly buy books and have found with
> Safari that even by cutting back on 2-3 books a year, I can have a
> small Safari bookshelf where I can view around 120 books in a year
> versus owning 2-3.  Now I can review books and buy those ones I know
> will be worth my money, and still get to explore more books than I'll
> ever have time to read.  All in all, Safari is a great resource I'd
> recommend to anyone."
> Your group can also participate in this introductory program just for
> user group members. To "Go on Safari," any of your members who sign up
> for our Safari 14-day free trial can send comments on their
> experiences, or tips and tricks for how they used Safari (it only
> needs to be 2 sentences long, but it may be longer) to
> safari_talk at oreilly.com.  (Please include your UG name in the email.)
> Every week someone will be chosen from the tips or comments submitted
> to receive fun stuff from O'Reilly (T-shirts, book bags, or other
> surprises). If a member of your user group is selected, your group
> receives free gifts, too. Whatever the individual member receives, your
> UG will get one, too, to give away at your next meeting, or use however
> you see fit. Recipients--and their comments--will be announced in the
> User Group Newsletter.
> **Please use this special UG URL to sign up for the 14-day trial**
> http://www.oreilly.com/safari/ug
> For more information on Safari:
> http://safari.oreilly.com/
> ================================================
> News From O'Reilly & Beyond
> ================================================
> ---------------------
> General News
> ---------------------
> ***Free Shipping on O'Reilly Orders
> Free ground shipping is available for online orders of at least $29.95
> that go to a single U.S. address. This offer applies to U.S. delivery
> addresses in the 50 states and Puerto Rico. This free ground shipping
> offer may be used in conjunction with other promotional offers
> including the 20% User Group discount code DSUG. The qualifying amount
> is the total purchase amount before any discount is applied.
> If your order qualifies for free ground shipping and you are shipping
> to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, a P.O Box, or an APO address, you'll
> need to contact our customer service group to complete the order. Email
> order at oreilly.com or call 800-998-9938 or 707-827-7019.
> For more information, go to:
> http://www.oreilly.com/news/freeshipping_0703.html
> ***Vote for Your Favorite O'Reilly Book
> "Linux Journal" announced that voting in the 2003 Readers' Choice poll
> is officially underway and will continue until July 25, 2003. Winners
> will be published in the November 2003 issue.
> http://www.linuxjournal.com/rc2003/
> ***Meeting Tim O'Reilly "In the Flesh"
> Wil Wheaton, author of "Dancing Barefoot" by Monolith Press, blogs his
> meeting with Tim O'Reilly and selling out of his first book at
> O'Reilly's Open Source Convention in Portland, OR in his July 11
> entry.  http://www.wilwheaton.net/
> ---------------------
> Open Source
> ---------------------
> ***The State of Open Source
> Daniel Steinberg's report from OSCON details what luminaries from the
> open source communities of Perl, Python, PHP, MySQL, Apache, and Linux
> had to say about the current state of their technologies and where they
> are headed.
> http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2003/07/09/oscon_report.html
> For more reports, photos, and weblogs from the show, don't miss our
> OSCON 2003 coverage page:  http://www.oreillynet.com/oscon2003/
> ***An Interview with the Author of "Practical mod_perl"
> In this ONLamp.com interview with chromatic, Stas Bekman talks about
> his work, mod_perl 2, and what it's like to be sponsored to work on
> free software full-time.
> http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2003/07/03/stas_interview.html
> Stas is the author of O'Reilly's recently released "Practical
> mod_perl."
> Order Number: 2270
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/pmodperl/index.html
> ---------------------
> Java
> ---------------------
> ***Creating Email Templates with XML
> Nearly every web app needs to send email at some point, but storing
> message bodies and headers can be tricky. Rafe Colburn demonstrates
> using XML, the Commons Digester, JavaMail, and MessageFormat to
> simplify generating and sending email.
> http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2003/07/09/email_templates.html
> ---------------------
> .NET
> ---------------------
> ***Using Network Streams
> Wei-Meng Lee's earlier article on .NET streams talked about the various
> implementations of the Stream class, such as the BufferedStream,
> FileStream, MemoryStream, and CryptoStream classes. One class which
> wasn't discussed is the NetworkStream class. In this article, he
> discusses the use of the NetworkStream class for network communication
> and how easy it is to use it for socket programming.
> http://www.ondotnet.com/pub/a/dotnet/2003/07/07/netstreams.html
> ---------------------
> ---------------------
> ***The Document is the Database
> When we convert to a database-backed web application in order to solve
> problems of shared editing and presentation-oriented file formats, we
> trade away the convenience of the file-oriented approach. Can we have
> our cake and eat it too?
> http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2003/07/09/udell.html
> ---------------------
> Mac
> ---------------------
> ***O'Reilly Happenings at the Macworld CreativePro Conference
> The name might not be Macworld NY anymore, but for O'Reilly &
> Associates, it's still our favorite excuse to visit with customers on
> the East Coast. Our booth will be teeming with activity, and our
> authors are deeply involved in this conference. Here's everything you
> need to know.
> http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/2003/07/09/macworld.html
> ***Hydra, VoodooPad, Finish Tops in Second Mac OS X Innovators Contest
> Hydra, VoodooPad Earn Top Awards in Second Mac OS X Innovators Contest.
> Here's the official announcement with links to the sites of each of the
> winners.
> http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/developer/2003/07/10/innovators.html
> ***Dot Mac Reloaded
> Later this year, many Dot Mac subscriptions will be up for renewal,
> many of which were purchased at discounted prices. But now that full
> pricing will be in effect, are there enough features to entice Mac
> users to renew? Michael Brewer explores the changes Panther brings to
> Dot Mac.  http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/2003/07/08/dot_mac.html
> Until next time--
> Marsee

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