[nr-pm] Fwd: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, December 4

R. Burbach niederrhein-pm at web.de
Fre Dez 5 03:06:43 CST 2003

------- Forwarded message -------
From: Marsee Henon <marsee at oreilly.com>
To: burbach at gwl.de
Subject: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, December 4
Date: Thu, 04 Dec 2003 18:11:13 -0800

> ================================================================
> O'Reilly UG Program News--Just for User Group Leaders
> December 4, 2003
> ================================================================
> -O'Reilly User Group Discount vs. Amazon's Discount
> -Put Up an Emerging Technology Conference Banner, Get a Free Book
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Book Info
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> ***Review books are available
> Copies of our books are available for your members to review--
> send me an email and please include the book order number on
> your request. Let me know if you need your book by a certain date.
> Allow at least four weeks for shipping.
> ***Please send copies of your book reviews
> Email me a copy of your newsletters or book reviews.
> For tips and suggestions on writing book reviews, go to:
> http://ug.oreilly.com/bookreviews.html
> ***Discount information
> Don't forget to remind your members about our 20% discount on
> O'Reilly books and conferences. Just use code DSUG.
> ***Group purchases with better discounts are available
> Please let me know if you are interested and I can put you in
> touch with our sales department.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> General News
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> ***O'Reilly User Group Discount vs. Amazon's Discount
> Amazon offers a better deal, but you want to support O'Reilly and the UG
> program. What do you do? The answer is "Go with the best deal you can
> get!" As long as you are buying O'Reilly books, we're happy. We don't 
> want
> to compete with our resellers, but we do want to give UG members who like
> to buy directly from us a break--so please don't feel bad if you shop at
> your favorite book store instead. Sharing O'Reilly info with your members
> and giving us feedback is the most important way you can show your 
> support
> for the UG program.
> ***Put Up an Emerging Technology Conference Banner, Get a Free Book
> We're looking for user groups to display our conference banners on
> their web sites. If you send me the link to your user group site with
> our Emerging Technology Conference banner, I will send you the
> O'Reilly book of your choice.
> Emerging Technology Conference Banners and conference descriptions are
> available at:
> http://ug.oreilly.com/banners/etech2004/
> ================================================================
> O'Reilly News for User Group Members
> December 4, 2003
> ================================================================
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Book News
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> -Dancing Barefoot
> -Mac OS X Unwired
> -The Best of The Joy of Tech
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Upcoming Events
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> -O'Reilly at Macworld Conference & Expo, San Francisco, CA--January 6-9
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Conferences
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> -The Buzz from 2003 Emerging Technology Conference
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> News
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> -O'Reilly to Handle Distribution for Fellow Computer Book Publishers
> -Wil Wheaton to Write Three Books for O'Reilly
> -Free Exhibit Hall Pass for LinuxWorld Conference & Expo,
> New York, NY--January 21-23, 2004
> -BIND DoS Attack
> -RouteWord: An Interesting Diversion
> -Introduction to the Peer-to-Peer Sockets Project
> -Java vs. .NET Security, Part 1
> -Five XSLT Basics
> -Creating Your Own Code Snippets with Whidbey
> -Free Exhibit Hall Guest Pass for Macworld Conference & Expo,
> San Francisco, CA--January 6-9
> -iPod as Digital Photographer's Best Friend
> -Collaborative Editing with Rendezvous
> -Animal ASCII Art--Do You Have Some?
> ================================================
> Book News
> ================================================
> Did you know you can request a free book to review for your
> group? Ask your group leader for more information.
> For book review writing tips and suggestions, go to:
> http://ug.oreilly.com/bookreviews.html
> Don't forget, you can receive 20% off any O'Reilly book you
> purchase directly from O'Reilly. Just use code DSUG when
> ordering online or by phone 800-998-9938.
> http://www.oreilly.com/
> ***Free ground shipping is available for online orders of at
> least $29.95 that go to a single U.S. address. This offer
> applies to U.S. delivery addresses in the 50 states and
> Puerto Rico.
> For more details, go to:
> http://www.oreilly.com/news/freeshipping_0703.html
> ***Dancing Barefoot
> Order Number: 6748
> Wil Wheaton--blogger, geek, and Star Trek: The Next Generation's Wesley
> Crusher--gives us five true tales of life, love, and the absurdities of
> Hollywood in "Dancing Barefoot." Far from the usual celebrity tell-all,
> "Dancing Barefoot" is a vivid, personal account of Wil's search for his
> true self. If you've ever fallen in love, attended a Star Trek 
> convention,
> or pondered the meaning of life, you'll find a kindred soul in the pages
> of "Dancing Barefoot."
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/barefoot/
> ***Mac OS X Unwired
> Order Number: 5083
> "Mac OS X Unwired" is a one-stop, wireless information source for
> technically savvy Mac users. The book provides a complete introduction to
> all the wireless technologies supported by Mac OS X, including Wi-Fi,
> infrared, Bluetooth, and GPRS. If you're considering wireless as an
> alternative to cable and DSL, or using wireless to network computers in
> your home, office, or on the road, this book will show you the
> full-spectrum view of the wireless capabilities of Mac OS X, and how to
> get the most out of them.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/macxunwire/
> Chapter 4, "Wi-Fi on the Road," is available online:
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/macxunwire/chapter/index.html
> ***The Best of The Joy of Tech
> Order Number: 5784
> Frustrated and frazzled by technology? Or perhaps your cynicism is
> starting to wane? This book is a collection of the very best from The Joy
> of Tech online series. It also features several new, never-before-seen
> comics, exclusive notes from the artists about their work, an appendix of
> the JoyPolls, a lexicon of JoyWords, and an introduction by David Pogue.
> "The Best of The Joy of Tech" is an oasis of top-notch humor and images
> sure to refresh the mind's page and reboot the will to live.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/bestjoytech/
> ================================================
> Upcoming Events
> ================================================
> ***For more events, please see:
> http://events.oreilly.com/
> ***O'Reilly at Macworld Conference & Expo, San Francisco, CA--January 6-9
> In addition to all of our fabulous new Mac titles, authors David Pogue
> ("Missing Manual Series," and Derrick Story ("iPhoto 2: The Missing
> Manual," "Digital Video Pocket Guide," and "Digital Photography Pocket
> Guide") will grace our booth with presentations during the show.
> We are in booth #2143 this year.
> Moscone Convention Center San Francisco, CA
> http://macworldexpo.com/macworldexposf/V40/index.cvn
> ================================================
> Conference News
> ================================================
> ***The Buzz from 2003 Emerging Technology Conference
> Check out the O'Reilly Network's news coverage and blogs from the 2003
> Emerging Technology Conference to help you decide for 2004.
> http://www.oreillynet.com/et2003/
> You can also download presentation and multimedia files from 2003.
> http://conferences.oreillynet.com/pub/w/22/presentations.html
> The 2004 O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference
> February 9-12, 2004
> Westin Horton Plaza San Diego
> San Diego, CA 92101
> http://conferences.oreilly.com/etech/
> User Group members who register before January 9, 2004 get a double
> discount. Use code DSUG when you register, and receive 20% off the
> "Early Bird" price.
> To register for the conference, go to:
> http://conferences.oreillynet.com/pub/w/28/register.html
> ================================================
> News From O'Reilly & Beyond
> ================================================
> ---------------------
> General News
> ---------------------
> ***O'Reilly to Handle Distribution for Fellow Computer Book Publishers
> We will be providing distribution, sales, and fulfillment services for
> three other leading independent publishers--No Starch Press, Paraglyph
> Press, and Syngress Publishing--starting January 1, 2004. We'll be 
> sending
> UGs information and review copies for our new partners.
> For more information check out our press release:
> http://press.oreilly.com/pub/pr/1124
> Here's a recent article from our local newspaper, "The Press Democrat":
> http://www.pressdemocrat.com/business/news/03oreilly_e1.html
> ***Wil Wheaton to Write Three Books for O'Reilly
> Any honest computer geek will admit that his obsessive coding is, at
> heart, a futile attempt to create a world as cool as those depicted in
> science fiction. New evidence of the symbiotic relationship between Sci 
> Fi
> and geekdom surfaced, as O'Reilly, the geek publisher-of-record, 
> announced
> plans to publish three books by Wil Wheaton, blogger, geek, and the actor
> who portrayed Wesley Crusher on Star Trek: The Next Generation. Wil's
> first two books, "Dancing Barefoot" and "Just a Geek," are almost
> unbearably honest tales of life, love, and the rigors of being an ensign
> on the Starship Enterprise.
> Take a look at Wil's December 2 blog announcement:
> http://wilwheaton.net/
> And you can read our press release:
> http://press.oreilly.com/pub/pr/1125
> ---------------------
> Open Source
> ---------------------
> ***Free Exhibit Hall Pass for LinuxWorld Conference & Expo,
> New York, NY--January 21-23, 2004
> Register online with Priority Code PC0260 by December 19, 2004
> http://www.linuxworldexpo.com
> ***BIND DoS Attack
> Noel Davis looks at a denial-of-service attack against BIND and problems
> in KDE, GnuPG, screen, Ethereal, FreeRadius, mod_gzip, Pan, detecttr,
> OpenCA, EPIC, and libnids.
> http://linux.oreillynet.com/pub/a/linux/2003/12/01/insecurities.html
> ***RouteWord: An Interesting Diversion
> Graphs--loosely connected, unordered collections of nodes--are highly
> important to computer science. Visualizing graphs is even more important:
> think of maps, routes, webs, and any other interconnected relationships.
> O'Reilly author Andrew Odewahn explains how he accidentally created a new
> type of word puzzle while playing around with graph visualization.
> http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2003/11/26/routewords.html
> Throughout the month of December, we're running daily RouteWord puzzles
> from Andrew Odewahn. Here's today's puzzle:
> http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2003/12/routeword/index.html
> ---------------------
> Java
> ---------------------
> ***Introduction to the Peer-to-Peer Sockets Project
> The Peer-to-Peer Sockets project reimplements Java's standard Socket,
> ServerSocket, and InetAddress classes to work on the JXTA peer-to-peer
> network rather than on the standard TCP/IP network. Brad Neuberg shows 
> how
> to configure and set up the P2P Socket libraries to run on your system,
> how to create and run P2P server and client sockets, and how to work with
> the P2P InetAddress class, and discusses security issues and limitations
> in the framework.
> http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2003/12/03/p2psockets.html
> ***Java vs. .NET Security, Part 1
> Java and .NET address similar code security issues, but which one offers
> the best security implementation? Denis Piliptchouk's series starts with 
> a
> side-by-side look at how each performs configuration, code verification,
> and memory isolation.
> http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2003/11/26/javavsdotnet.html
> ---------------------
> ---------------------
> ***Five XSLT Basics
> This article by Michael Fitzgerald introduces newbies to the five basics
> of XSLT 1.0, from what it is to how to get it to work--information you'll
> also find in the first chapter of Michael's book, "Learning XSLT."
> http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2003/11/26/learnXSLT.html
> Learning XSLT
> Order Number: 3277
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/learnxslt/index.html
> ---------------------
> .NET
> ---------------------
> ***Creating Your Own Code Snippets with Whidbey
> One of the new features found in Visual Studio .NET Whidbey is Insert
> Snippets. The Insert Snippets feature allows you to insert commonly-used
> code blocks into your project, thereby improving the efficiency of your
> development process. Wei-Meng Lee shows you how to add your own snippets
> to Whidbey.
> http://www.ondotnet.com/pub/a/dotnet/2003/12/01/whidbeysnippets.html
> ---------------------
> Mac
> ---------------------
> ***Free Exhibit Hall Guest Pass for Macworld Conference & Expo,
> San Francisco, CA--January 6-9
> Register online by December 8 with Priority code PC0211
> http://www.macworldexpo.com
> ***iPod as Digital Photographer's Best Friend
> Yes, the iPod can store thousands of songs. But now you can use it to
> upload thousands of pictures too, directly from the memory card. And
> thanks to Panther, that's only the beginning of what is sure to become an
> indispensable tool for many digital photographers.
> http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/2003/12/02/photo_ipod.html
> ***Collaborative Editing with Rendezvous
> Apple's adoption of Zeroconf networking (branded as "Rendezvous") has
> opened the door to new ways of sharing information on local networks. In
> this article, Wei Meng Lee shows you how to use two collaborative editing
> tools: SubEthaEdit and iStorm.
> http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/2003/12/02/rendezvous.html
> ---------------------
> Fun
> ---------------------
> ***Animal ASCII Art--Do You Have Some?
> If you are an artist with you keyboard, please let me know. I am looking
> for ASCII versions of our famous O'Reilly animals. Please send an email
> to marsee at oreilly.com with your original rendition.
> Until next time--
> Marsee

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