[Neworleans-pm] Intro and mac perl program: affrus

Simon Dorfman EmailLists at SimonDorfman.com
Wed May 12 01:45:34 CDT 2004

Hello NewOrleans.pm,
I'm very new to perl (I know next to nothing) but since it's my good friend
Dave Cash's language of choice, it must have some merit.  So I'm going to
see if I can't find a small project that would be a good learn perl while
doing something cool.  I'm looking forward to meeting y'all this Friday.

Also, for any Mac OSX users on this list, this looks like a cool program for
perl development and debugging.  Below is a review.

Perl Made Easy with Affrus 1.0 -- Late Night Software has a history of
picking up where Apple leaves off. Mac OS X includes AppleScript, but
Apple's own Script Editor isn't all that great as an editing environment,
and it can't debug at all. Late Night's Script Debugger makes up for this,
making AppleScript easily editable and debuggable. Late Night Software has
continued in the same vein with the announcement of Affrus, which does the
same for Perl. (Conflict of interest disclaimer: I wrote the manuals for
both programs.)

Perl is a popular Unix scripting language; Mac OS X includes Perl, but has
no native application for easy editing and debugging of Perl scripts. Affrus
meets this need. You can step through Perl scripts, or run to breakpoints
that you set, evaluating expressions and examining variables in their
runtime context. Syntax coloring clarifies the script's meaning; a pop-up
menu lets you navigate to a subroutine's definition, even if it's in an
external module. Affrus costs $100 and requires Mac OS X 10.2 Jaguar or
higher; a 30-day demo is available as a 4.9 MB download. [MAN]


--MailBIT by Matt Neuburg <matt at tidbits.com>

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