[Moscow.pm] Final Call: MA7 web tech contest deadline is today!

Yusuke Kawasaki u-suke на kawa.net
Вс Ноя 6 16:05:34 PST 2011

Hi all,

I am only Japanese Perl hacker who attend YAPC::Europe Riga 2011.

As I've mentioned in my talk at the YAPC,
I am lead organizer of the MA7 which is Japan's largest web tech contest.
The MA7 is accepting web services, smartphone applications, etc. from the globe.


The MA7’s submission deadline is today, Monday, 7 November!
We’ve accepted 300+ great applications for the MA7 until yesterday.
Most applications will be submitted today, we expect from past MAs experience.
Submit your app at the form https://ma7.mashupaward.jp/entry?locale=en

The deadline is 24:00 midnight at Tokyo time.

Tokyo: 24:00 Midnight (JST) November 7
Moscow: 19:00 (MSK) November 7

Apps for submission MUST use one of APIs provided by our API partners:
Adobe, Evernote, Facebook, Microsoft, PayPal,
Yahoo: YUI library, Yahoo Japan's OAuth, OpenID
Google: Chrome Extension / WebApps, Google Apps, App Engine.
and more: http://ma7en.tumblr.com/post/10531356431/api-partners

We're looking for your application at the MA7.

Best regards,

Yusuke Kawasaki

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