[Moscow.pm] [perl #105658] STDIN <> and PerlIO doc
Mons Anderson
mons на rambler-co.ru
Пт Дек 9 02:23:35 PST 2011
The problem is not in closing fd 0
Let's look at the following sample:
# dup.pl
open my $fh, '<&=',0 or die;
print fileno STDIN, ":", scalar readline STDIN;
close STDIN;
print fileno $fh, ":", scalar readline $fh;
bash $ { echo 1; sleep 1; echo 2; } | perl dup.pl
(During this I've investigated, that if we do echo -ne "1\n2\n" | perl dup.pl, then <$fh> receive nothing. I think that's because of buffered read. Don't know should be this considered a bug)
Then we add the same
open my $fh, '<&=',0 or die;
to the beginning of the example and check the fileno at the end
0 == fileno $fh or die "fileno fh nonzero";
then we will see, that fileno 0 was kept, it still assigned to stdin (this could be checked additionally), but the behavior of this program still the same: we got an output of PerlIO.pm
On 08.12.2011, at 21:18, Father Chrysostomos via RT wrote:
> On Thu Dec 08 03:25:08 2011, evdokimov.denis на gmail.com wrote:
>> #!/usr/bin/perl
>> use strict;
>> use warnings;
>> my $data = "aaa\nbbb\nccc\n";
>> # Ok
>> close STDIN or die $!;
>> open( STDIN, '<', \$data ) or die $!;
>> @ARGV = ();
>> while (<STDIN>)
>> {
>> print "[[$ARGV]]***$_";
>> }
>> # Bug
>> close STDIN or die $!;
>> open( STDIN, '<', \$data ) or die $!;
>> @ARGV = ();
>> while (<>)
>> {
>> # print PerlIO.pod
>> print "[[$ARGV]]***$_";
>> }
> By closing STDIN you are closing fd 0, which is reused by the next file
> opened.
> I seem to remember this came up about three years ago and the consensus
> was that it is not a bug. I’m not sure.
> If my memory serves me correctly, searching for ‘you passed sub
> protections’ and ‘This gotta change’ in the archives will bring it up.
> --
> Father Chrysostomos
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