[Minsk-pm] Fwd: [pm_groups] YAPC::EU::2009 early bird about to end

Andrei andrei.protasovitski на gmail.com
Сб Май 30 02:11:37 PDT 2009

В Лиссабон кто-нибудь едет?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: José Castro <cogurov на gmail.com>
Date: 2009/5/30
Subject: [pm_groups] YAPC::EU::2009 early bird about to end
To: PM Groups <pm_groups на pm.org>

Hi, everyone!

Please forward this email to your local groups.

The early bird for YAPC::EU::2009 is only here for two more days.

Registrations with payments until May 31st are still at 75 euros. After that
the price will rise to 100 euros.

 * conference homepage - http://yapceurope2009.org/
 * registration - yapceurope2009.org/ye2009/register
 * the schedule - http://yapceurope2009.org/ye2009/schedule?day=2009-08-03

Also, you'll notice there are four different two day courses around
YAPC::EU::2009, at only 220 euros each:

 * Introductory Perl, by Dave Cross
 * Perl 6 for Programmers, by Gabor Szabo
 * Mastering Perl, by brian d foy
 * New features of Perl 5.10 and Perl Best Practices, by Damian Conway

Oh, and did I mention the Beginners Track, the Quizz Show, the Partner
Program (about to be unveiled), the send-a-newbie project, the free
workshops, the amazing coffee breaks...

Hope to see you in Lisbon,


José Castro

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Andrei Protasovitski
< andrei[dot]protasovitski[at]gmail[dot]com >
Minsk, Belarus
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