[Milan-pm] Actual status of smartSelect

marcos rebelo oleber at gmail.com
Sat Oct 23 07:05:00 PDT 2010


package SmartSelect;
use strict;
use warnings;

use re 'eval';

our $VERSION = '0.0.1';

use Carp qw(confess);
use Data::Dumper;

sub new {
    my ($pkg, $dbh) = @_;
    return bless({'dbh' => $dbh, 'db_struct' => {}}, $pkg);

sub get_dbh { return shift->{'dbh'} }
sub get_db_struct { return shift->{'db_struct'}}

    my ($self, @constrains) = @_;

    my $method = $AUTOLOAD;
    $method =~ s/.*::(.*)/$1/;

    return if $method eq 'DESTROY';

    my $closure;
    $closure = shift(@constrains) if @constrains and
ref($constrains[0]) eq 'CODE';
    my $hash_args;
    $hash_args = shift(@constrains) if @constrains and
ref($constrains[0]) eq 'HASH';

    local $self->get_dbh->{'RaiseError'} = 1;

    my ($sql, $action) = @{$self->_parse($method, scalar @constrains)};

    confess("Closure just accepted in execute") if $closure and
$action ne 'EXECUTE';
    confess("Hash just accepted in update or insert") if $hash_args
and $action ne 'UPDATE' and $action ne 'INSERT';

    if ( $action eq 'DELETE') {
        return $self->get_dbh->do($sql, undef, @constrains);
    } elsif ( $action eq 'UPDATE') {
        my $values_to_set = join(", ", map { "$_ = ?"} keys %{$hash_args});
        $sql =~ s/<#>/SET $values_to_set/;
        return $self->get_dbh->do($sql, undef, values(%{$hash_args}),
    } elsif ( $action eq 'INSERT') {
        my $values = join(", ", map { "?" } keys %{$hash_args});
        my $names = join(", ", map { $_ } keys %{$hash_args});
        $sql = "$sql ($names) VALUES ( $values )";

        return $self->get_dbh->do($sql, undef, values(%{$hash_args}));
    } else {
        my $sth = $self->get_dbh->prepare($sql);
        my $rs = $sth->execute(@constrains);
        my @rows;
        while ( my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) {
            if ($action eq 'EXECUTE') {
                local $_ = $row;
                push(@rows, $closure->($row));
            } else {
                push(@rows, $row);
        return \@rows;

sub _parse {
    my ($self, $text, $count) = @_;

    my $self_db_struct = $self->get_db_struct;

    if ( not keys %{$self_db_struct}) {
        my $sth = $self->get_dbh->table_info;
        while ( my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
            if ($row->{'TABLE_TYPE'} eq 'TABLE' or
$row->{'TABLE_TYPE'} eq 'VIEW') {
                $self_db_struct->{$row->{'TABLE_NAME'}} = undef;
    my @tables = keys %{$self_db_struct};
    my $re_tables = '(?:' . join( '|', @tables ) . ')';

    my ($action, $table, $constraints, @used_columns) = do {
        my $re_columns;
        local *closure = sub {
            my ($action, $table) = @_;
            $re_columns = ($action eq 'insert') ? "" :
$self->_regexp_for_table($table, $count);
            return $re_columns;
        my $extra_re = $count ? qr/(?:_by_((??{closure($1, $2)})))/ : qr//;
        my $full_re =

        { # I don't know why but I need the next line
            $text =~ $full_re;
        my @table_info = ($text =~ $full_re);
        my @column_info = ( $count and @table_info ) ? (
$table_info[-1] =~ /^$re_columns$/ ) : ();

        (@table_info, @column_info);

    confess "No match for '$text' with $count columns" if not defined $table;

    $action = uc $action;

    my $sql =
          $action eq 'DELETE' ? "DELETE FROM $table"
        : $action eq 'UPDATE' ? "UPDATE $table <#>"
        : $action eq 'INSERT' ? "INSERT INTO $table"
        :                       "SELECT * FROM $table";

    if ( $count ) {
        $sql = "$sql WHERE " . join(' AND ', map {"$_ = ?"} @used_columns);

    return [$sql, $action];

sub _regexp_for_table {
    my ($self, $table, $column_count) = @_;

    my $self_db_struct = $self->get_db_struct;

    if ( not defined $self_db_struct->{$table} ) {
        @{$self_db_struct->{$table}} = keys
%{$self->get_dbh->column_info( undef, undef, $table, undef

    my @columns = @{$self_db_struct->{$table}};

    my $re_column = '(?:' . join('|', @columns) . ')';
    my $re_columns = join('_', map { "($re_column)" } 1 .. $column_count);

    return qr/$re_columns/;


and its  tests



use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More;
use Test::Exception;
use Test::Deep;

use Data::Dumper;
use DBI;
use Readonly 'Readonly';

Readonly my $PKG => 'SmartSelect';

use File::Temp 'tempdir';

my $tempdir = tempdir('CLEANUP' => 1);
my $tempdb = "$tempdir/db.sqlite";

my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=:memory:","","");

$dbh->do('CREATE TABLE document (id, name)');
$dbh->do('INSERT INTO document(id, name) VALUES (?, ?)', undef,
'doc1', 'document 1');
$dbh->do('INSERT INTO document(id, name) VALUES (?, ?)', undef,
'doc2', 'document 2');

$dbh->do('CREATE TABLE person (id, name, country)');
$dbh->do('INSERT INTO person(id, name, country) VALUES (?, ?, ?)',
undef, 'p1', 'John', 'USA');
$dbh->do('INSERT INTO person(id, name, country) VALUES (?, ?, ?)',
undef, 'p2', 'Marcos', 'PT');
$dbh->do('INSERT INTO person(id, name, country) VALUES (?, ?, ?)',
undef, 'p3', 'Maria', 'PT');

$dbh->do("CREATE VIEW portuguese_person AS SELECT * FROM person WHERE
country = 'PT'") or die $dbh->err;

my $obj = $PKG->new($dbh);
isa_ok($obj, $PKG);
isa_ok($obj, 'SmartSelect');

is_deeply( $obj->get_db_struct, {}, 'db_struct correctly started');

can_ok($obj, '_parse');
cmp_deeply($obj->_parse('select_document', 0), ['SELECT * FROM
document', 'SELECT'], 'select all table');
cmp_deeply($obj->get_db_struct, { 'document' => undef, 'person' =>
undef, 'portuguese_person' => undef }, 'db_struct correctly created');

throws_ok { $obj->_parse('select_other', 0) } qr/No match for
'select_other' with 0 columns at /,  'Fail with unreconizable table';

throws_ok { $obj->_parse('select_document', 1) } qr/No match for
'select_document' with 1 columns at /, 'Fail expecting 1 column';
throws_ok { $obj->_parse('select_person_by_id', 0) } qr/No match for
'select_person_by_id' with 0 columns at /, 'Fail expecting no column';

cmp_deeply($obj->_parse('execute_person_by_id', 1), ['SELECT * FROM
person WHERE id = ?', 'EXECUTE'], 'select by id');
cmp_deeply($obj->_parse('select_person_by_name_id', 2), ['SELECT *
FROM person WHERE name = ? AND id = ?', 'SELECT'], 'select by name
cmp_deeply($obj->get_db_struct, { 'document' => undef, 'person' =>
bag('id', 'name', 'country'), 'portuguese_person' => undef },
'db_struct correctly maintained');

cmp_deeply($obj->_parse('select_portuguese_person_by_id', 1), ['SELECT
* FROM portuguese_person WHERE id = ?', 'SELECT'], 'select by name
cmp_deeply($obj->get_db_struct, { 'document' => undef, 'person' =>
bag('id', 'name', 'country'), 'portuguese_person' => bag('id', 'name',
'country') }, 'db_struct correctly maintained');

throws_ok { $obj->_parse('select_document_by_country', 1) } qr/No
match for 'select_document_by_country' with 1 columns at /, 'Fail with
unrecognizable column';
cmp_deeply($obj->get_db_struct, { 'document' => bag('id', 'name'),
'person' => bag('id', 'name', 'country'), 'portuguese_person' =>
bag('id', 'name', 'country') }, 'db_struct correctly maintained');

cmp_deeply($obj->_parse('delete_person', 0), ['DELETE FROM person',
'DELETE'], '_parse delete_person');
cmp_deeply($obj->_parse('delete_person_by_id', 1), ['DELETE FROM
person WHERE id = ?', 'DELETE'], '_parse delete_person_by_id');

cmp_deeply($obj->_parse('update_person', 0), ['UPDATE person <#>',
'UPDATE'], '_parse update_person');
cmp_deeply($obj->_parse('update_person_by_id', 1), ['UPDATE person <#>
WHERE id = ?', 'UPDATE'], '_parse update_person_by_id');

cmp_deeply($obj->_parse('insert_person', 0), ['INSERT INTO person',
'INSERT'], '_parse insert_person');
throws_ok { $obj->_parse('insert_person_by_id', 1) } qr/No match for
'insert_person_by_id' with 1 columns/;

	[{'id' => 'doc2', 'name' => 'document 2'}],
	'1 record selected in document'

		{'id' => 'doc1', 'name' => 'document 1'},
		{'id' => 'doc2', 'name' => 'document 2'}
	'2 record selected in document'

    sub {
        is($dbh->{'RaiseError'}, 1, 'RaiseError activated');
        return shift->{'name'};
    }, 'PT'),
    bag('Marcos', 'Maria'),
    'execute with parameter in closure');

    my @names;
    $obj->execute_person_by_country(sub {push(@names, shift->{'name'})}, 'PT');
	cmp_deeply(\@names, bag('Marcos', 'Maria'), 'execute with parameter in \$_');

    { $obj->select_person_by_country(sub {}, 'PT') }
    qr/Closure just accepted in execute at /, 'Fail with Closure in SELECT';

    { $obj->update_person_by_country(sub {}, 'PT') }
    qr/Closure just accepted in execute at /, 'Fail with Closure in UPDATE';

    { $obj->delete_person_by_country(sub {}, 'PT') }
    qr/Closure just accepted in execute at /, 'Fail with Closure in DELETE';

    { $obj->select_person_by_country({}, 'PT') }
    qr/Hash just accepted in update or insert at /, 'Fail with Hash in SELECT';

    { $obj->execute_person_by_country({}, 'PT') }
    qr/Hash just accepted in update or insert at /, 'Fail with Hash in EXECUTE';

    { $obj->delete_person_by_country({}, 'PT') }
    qr/Hash just accepted in update or insert at /, 'Fail with Hash in DELETE';

    local $dbh->{'PrintError'} = 0;
    local $obj->get_db_struct->{'document'} = ['pippo'];
    throws_ok {$obj->select_document_by_pippo('PT')} qr/prepare/;

    is($obj->delete_person_by_country('PT'), 2, 'Delete returned the
number of deleted rows');
    cmp_deeply($obj->select_person,[{'id' => 'p1', 'name' => 'John',
'country' => 'USA'}], 'Delete deleted the rows');

    $obj->insert_person({'id' => 'p2', 'name' => 'Marcos', 'country' => 'PT'});
    $obj->insert_person({'id' => 'p3', 'name' => 'Maria', 'country' => 'PT'});

            {'id' => 'p1', 'name' => 'John', 'country' => 'USA'},
            {'id' => 'p2', 'name' => 'Marcos', 'country' => 'PT'} ,
            {'id' => 'p3', 'name' => 'Maria', 'country' => 'PT'}),
        'UPDATE updated the rows');

    is($obj->update_person_by_country({'country' => 'IT'} , 'PT'), 2,
'UPDATE returned the number of deleted rows');
            {'id' => 'p1', 'name' => 'John', 'country' => 'USA'},
            {'id' => 'p2', 'name' => 'Marcos', 'country' => 'IT'} ,
            {'id' => 'p3', 'name' => 'Maria', 'country' => 'IT'}),
        'UPDATE updated the rows');


Marcos Rebelo
Milan Perl Mongers leader http://milan.pm.org
Webmaster of http://perl5notebook.oleber.com

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