[Melbourne-pm] Nested maps returning hash references

Toby Corkindale toby.corkindale at strategicdata.com.au
Tue Oct 4 23:42:56 PDT 2011

On 05/10/11 17:34, Alfie John wrote:
> Hey Toby,
> I think there are two problems here:
>    - Andrew was right. Put a + in front of the block
>    - can($_) in the second block is being called on the qw{} and not on
> an object

In case people want working test code, here is some below.
By the way, I was trying to put the + on line 11 below, to no success, 
but perhaps you mean a different {?
(I'm picking the, umm, third that occurs in the whole program, or second 
within the map..)

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.14.1;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;

my @fields = map { Foo->new($_) } qw(bing bang bong);

my $foo = [
     map {
        my $f = $_;
            map {
                $f->can($_) ? ($_ => $f->$_) : ()
            } qw(label name html);
    } @fields

say Dumper($foo);

package Foo;

sub label { shift->{label} }

sub new { bless { label => $_[1] } }


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