[Melbourne-pm] Nested maps returning hash references

Toby Corkindale toby.corkindale at strategicdata.com.au
Tue Oct 4 22:34:28 PDT 2011

OK, this is doing my head in.

I have two map functions that work perfectly well on their own:

map {
   $f->can($_) ? ($_ => $f->$_) : ()
} qw (label name html);

map {
     label => $f->label,
     name => $f->name,
     html => $f->html,
} @fields;

However when I combine them, it all goes pear-shaped, and I just get 
back one huge, flat array, rather than an array of hashes.

    map {
        my $f = $_;
            map {
                $f->can($_) ? ($_ => $f->$_) : ()
            } qw(label name html);
    } @fields;

Any thoughts?


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