[Melbourne-pm] Retry/Attempt

Daniel Pittman daniel at rimspace.net
Mon May 17 18:16:12 PDT 2010

Patrick Donelan <pat at patspam.com> writes:

>> Notably, his module is designed more to retry over and over quickly, whereas
>> mine increases the delay between retries
> I'm jealous, a genuine opportunity to use Fibonacci in a real-world program!

Heh.  Despite my bikeshedding ^W encouragement, this just doubles the delay
every time, rather than using a Fibonacci back-off strategy.  Alas. :)


Retry::Fibonnaci, I see a great need.

✣ Daniel Pittman            ✉ daniel at rimspace.net            ☎ +61 401 155 707
               ♽ made with 100 percent post-consumer electrons

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