[Melbourne-pm] Testing fork

Stas Bekman stas at stason.org
Sat Aug 28 10:45:43 CDT 2004

David Dick wrote:
> 2) The horrifying mutations that this code can be subjected to.  For 
> example, i'm writing the code as a cgi script to maximise portability. 
> For speed, the code be run using Apache::Registry.  Which, among other 
> things silently overrides the exit statement, unless you fully qualify 
> as CORE::exit.  I'm damned if i know how, even if i know and expect the 
> weird environmental conditions, that i can test that my code is correct 
> in an environment such as Apache::Registry;

use Apache-Test (CPAN)

> 3) probably a whole lot of other issues that i'm not aware of yet.

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