use lib '.';

Rick Measham rickm at
Wed Oct 2 20:46:23 CDT 2002

Its not redundant as Martins output proves. Perl looks through @INC 
for its modules. If I have my home-rolled in my local 
directory then it wont be found unless I use '.';

Here it finds the one in site_perl (or wherever it happens to be)
>[107]mryan at host:~> perl -e 'print join("\n", @INC), "\n"'

Here it will find the one in the local directory.
>[108]mryan at host:~> perl -e 'use lib "."; print join("\n", @INC), "\n"'

Rick Measham
             There are 10 kinds of people:
   those that understand binary, and those that don't.
   The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck
     is the day they start selling vacuum cleaners

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