[LA.pm] O'Reilly favorites?

Buddy Burden barefootcoder at gmail.com
Mon Feb 8 23:49:51 PST 2016


Did you ever get any answers to this query?

> Out of all the stuff available from O'Reilly:
> 1) What book would you recommend as the most usefull Perl book?
> (and if there is any difference :-) ):
> 2) What book would you recommend as the most (theoretically) important?

Well, of course it's hard to beat the Camel book for all-around 
usefulness.  But I have very fond memories of the Panther book: 
_Advanced Perl Programming_.[1]  It's been a long time since I read it, 
but I remember very distinctly feeling that it was the impetus for my 
advancing to the next level in Perl programing.

Now, if you were willing to look beyond O'Reilly, then I would probably 
recommend chromatic's _Modern Perl_.[2]  But within the O'Reilly 
context, the Panther book is probably my top choice.


		-- Buddy

[2] http://onyxneon.com/books/modern_perl/

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