[LA.pm] OAuth 2 in Perl

Ben Tilly btilly at gmail.com
Thu Jul 11 16:25:39 PDT 2013

I've just released LWP::Authen::OAuth2 to CPAN.  It attempts to make
OAuth 2 clients less painful to write in Perl.
It isn't indexed yet, but is available from
https://github.com/btilly/perl-oauth2 for anyone who is impatient.

Is anyone willing to be a guinea pig for a task or two?

1. Start with my module and a random Google API call that you might
want to make (https://developers.google.com/google-apps/calendar/v3/reference/calendarList/list
looks like a good example), then figure out how to make it work.  Tell
me the pain points that you encountered, and how I could have made it

2. (More ambitious.)  Start with my module and a random OAuth 2
protected API call that you might want to make to another service
provider (Twitter, Facebook, etc), then figure out how to make it
work.  Again, tell me the pain points that you encountered, and how I
could have made it easier.

Be warned that there is an unavoidable learning curve for anything
OAuth 2 related.  (I do try to speed it up.)  But as I say in my
overview, "OAuth 2 makes it easy for large service providers to write
many APIs that users can securely authorize third party consumers to
use on their behalf."  Because of this there are companies churning
out useful OAuth 2 APIs, and so we might as well make it as easy as
possible to access them from Perl.


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