[LA.pm] LA.PM Lending Library

Andrew Grangaard granny+lapm at gmail.com
Wed Jan 19 00:58:24 PST 2011


Thanks to our friends over at O'Reilly*, we now have several more books 
in our LA.PM lending library.  Please let me know if you're interested 
in checking any of them out, writing a review, etc.  Let me know of any 
books you think we should add or that you want to review.

There are still free copies of Perl Medic to give to members, 
compliments of the author.  I'll have the box in my trunk tonight -- I 
know someone asked for a copy at our November meeting.

New O'Reilly Loaner Books
Learning Perl
Intermediate Perl
Mastering Perl
Data Analysis with Open Source tools
Head First Data Analysis
Hadoop (new edition)

I'm working on reading and reviewing the two Data Analysis books.  So 
far, Open Source tools has meant python. sigh.

* Specifically the O'Reilly User Group program, which LA.PM joined this 
past Autumn.


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