[lapm] RE: [LA.pm] The odds of finger games

Eric Hammond ehammond at thinksome.com
Wed Mar 5 18:06:41 CST 2003

Erick Calder wrote:
> if I'm making an http request from a domain, do I really care 
> which host is serving it? 

I always thought that HTTP host DNS resolution should have been 
handled in a manner similar to SMTP, with the option of using MX 
records to indicate which specific host(s) handle HTTP traffic for 
that domain.

I fall into the practical camp instead of the theoretical camp
on this issue.  Since "domain.tld" can resolve to an IP, and it's
something that a lot of users type, I implement it and generally
redirect the user to "www.domain.tld" for consistency.

Of course, I redirect the other way from "www.notlong.com" to 
"notlong.com" because of the nature of the service.

oblapm: Robert, did you also calculate the probability 
distribution of your single finger, binary, modulus, algorithm?  
If I understand it correctly, I think it will give some lower 
numbered participants an unfair advantage unless the number of 
participants is a power of 2.

Eric Hammond
ehammond at thinksome.com

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