LAPM meeting scheduled! (Friday, Jan. 19th)

Scott Francis scott at
Tue Jan 16 10:56:12 CST 2001

Samy Kamkar [CommPort5] wrote:

> Just to let you all know, you can arrive any time between 5 and 6 PM, we
> won't be going anywhere.  And since most people get off of work at 5 or
> so...there's still an hour in between to make it :)

for once, my schedule will work to my advantage - I should be out of the 
NOC and on my way by 3 p.m. :)

I suppose since I'm supposed to talk, I should be there on time ... 
should have time to drive into the valley and back out by then.

Scott Francis           scott@   [work:] v i r t u a l i s . c o m
                     darkuncle@   [home:] d a r k u n c l e . n e t
PGP fingerprint 7ABF E2E9 CD54 A1A8 804D  179A 8802 0FBA CB33 CCA7
          illum oportet crescere me autem minui

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