perl formats

Stephane Rondal rondal at
Wed Jan 17 06:03:20 CST 2001

> Unfortunately, I cannot help you (I never used perl formats)
> I do not know if you received any reactions on your request (none on this
> list).  Also an earlier request of another person (about encryption did
> receive many replies).

Not a single reply, except yours.

> I hope this does not disappoint you or other readers to put your questions
> in the list.  They *are* read (at least I do), and if I have an answer, I
> certainly will react.
> And they make this list more useful...

Yes, this list is having a difficult start.
Feel free to ask any kind of question here, or to share your
thoughts on programming aspects, or about the Perl community.

But I wonder, how many of us are programming daily in Perl?
Though I've done so for the last 2 years, I don't anymore,
but I always value Perl when working on projects of my own,
currently a mod_perl web interface to a play-by-mail game: Global
Diplomacy for those of you who know this game.


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