LPM: User authentication in perl?

Joe Hourcle oneiros at dcr.net
Tue May 2 13:10:26 CDT 2000

On Tue, 2 May 2000, David Hempy wrote:

> I'm trying to fetch a page in perl that requires user authentication.  I 
> think the following should work, but it doesn't.  I still get a 401 error 
> from the server.
>   use LWP::UserAgent;
>   $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
>   $request = new HTTP::Request('GET',
>          'http://www.dl.ket.org/cgi-sta/foxweb/Quiz@/db/sta/sta?courseid=LT1Y&quizid=LT1Y192&do=PRINT'
>          );
>   $ua->credentials('www.dl.ket.org', "KET DISTANCE LEARNING INTRANET", 
> "dhempy", "mypassword");
>   $response = $ua->request($request);
>   $content = $response->content;
>   print "Got Back:\n" . $response->code . ": ".  $response->message . 
> "\n$content \n";
> I'm believe I've got all the credentials exactly correct, but oddly enough, 
> the hit isn't turning up in my access nor error logs.  I am getting the 401 
> error page back from the server:

Well, the issue is -- do you want it done right, or do you just want it to

I've managed to do a lot by sniffing an incoming connection, and then just
regurgitating that back to the server to get what I want.

eg, when i was trying to show someone that HTTP_REFERER wasn't enough for
security, I had a loop which generated --

    $output =
    $blah = <<EOF;
POST /cgi-bin/create.pl HTTP/0.8
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Referer: http://curd.circ.gwu.edu:90/cgi-bin/create.pl
User-Agent: Mozilla/1.0 (compatable; oneiros)
Host: curd.circ.gwu.edu:90
Content-Length: 67
Connection: Keep-Alive


and kept slamming it at the server.

(I was told later that they took down the machine after the load went over
2500 or so)

Joe Hourcle

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