LPM: regexp question

llang at baywestpaper.com llang at baywestpaper.com
Tue Dec 21 07:26:47 CST 1999

The following works for what you're trying to do, but it assumes (maybe
wrongly) that the words in your sentence are only separated by single
spaces.  I guess you could remove multiple spaces easily enough before
running it through.

$sent="This is a test of the first five words.";
@s=split(/ /,$sent);
pop(@s) while (@s>5);
if (join(" ", at s) =~ /\bis|are\b/) {
        print "Do stuff here...";

Loren Lang               Phone:    606-734-0538 x326
Network Administrator         Fax: 606-734-8210
Bay West Paper Corporation    email:     llang at baywestpaper.com

"There is no greater burden than great potential." - Charles Schultz

all righty then. what i'm trying to do is to determine if the words
"is" and "are" are  one of the first five words in a sentence. the code
i'm using now looks like this: (yes, its ugly and newbie-ish)

my ($stu_foo,$stu_blah, at stu_search, at stu_refs,$stu_term);
$stu_term = $orig_Y;
@stu_search = ('is','are');
$theMsg =~ /(\w*)\s*(\w*)\s*(\w*)\s*(\w*)\s*(\w*).*?/;
@stu_refs = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5);
foreach $stu_blah (@stu_refs) {
   foreach $stu_foo (@stu_search) {
      if ($stu_blah =~ /\b$stu_foo\b/ or $stu_blah =~ /\b$stu_term\b/) {
          $theMsg = "<reply> $who: $theMsg";
          goto OUT;

anyway, is there a better way to do this? this seems awfully hackish to
me... thanks for your help all...

Matt Cashner
 sungo at earthling.net

"In the battle between you and the world, bet on the world."

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