[kw-pm] Recording HTTP

Matt Sergeant matt at sergeant.org
Wed May 24 10:27:19 PDT 2006

On 24-May-06, at 1:09 PM, Matt Sergeant wrote:

> On 23-May-06, at 11:05 PM, abez wrote:
>> Here's a quick script where you can monitor all your browser traffic,
>> I want to figure out what requests you are making:
> Here's what I use:
> sudo tcpdump -i en1 -A -s0 dst port 80 | perl -ne '$|++; next unless /
> Referer/; print, $LAST = $_ if $_ ne $LAST'

I should note - this doesn't do the same thing as abez's script, and  
it only really works if there are images on the page.

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