[Kochi-pm] [Perlweekly] #238 - The QA Hackathon is looking for sponsorship

Gabor Szabo gabor at szabgab.com
Sun Feb 14 21:41:55 PST 2016

Perl Weekly 


You can read the newsletter on the web, if you prefer.

The Perl QA Hackathon brings together the lead developers for the Perl
It's going to be in the UK this year. It's funded through sponsorship, so
why not
see if your employer can support it. Every little helps!

How do you think authors and related users should be acknowledged when
at modules on MetaCPAN? This topic generated a fair bit of discussion this



  Announcing the Perl QA Hackathon 2016
  The announcement for this year's QA Hackathon, which is being held in Rugby
  (in the UK), from Thursday 21st April through Sunday 24th April.

  YAPC::NA::2016 Call for Speakers
  The YAPC::NA::2016 call for speakers is now open! There must be something
  <em>you</em> could talk about: Perl 5, Perl 6, the transition between the
  two (either way!), some other programming language, or some other topic
  you think may be of interest to programmers.

  YAPC::NA::2016 Call for Master Classes
  YAPC::NA are looking for people to give master classes before and after
  this year's YAPC::NA.




  NICEPERL's lists
  Miguel Prz (NICEPERL ( https://metacpan.org/author/NICEPERL ))'s regular
  lists: Great modules released last week (
  st.html ); MetaCPAN weekly report (
  http://niceperl.blogspot.com/2016/02/cxcix-metacpan-weekly-report.html );
  StackOverflow Perl report (
  l ).

  What's new on CPAN - January 2015
  David's selection of new modules released to CPAN in January. He's decided
  not to continue with his "module of the month", considering it an
  experiment that has run its course. One worth looking at is Importer (
  https://metacpan.org/pod/Importer ).

  Using lcpan to index your DarkPAN
  Perlancar describes the lcpan ( https://metacpan.org/pod/lcpan ) tool,
  which you can use to manage your own CPAN mirror. There's going to be a
  series of daily tips on lcpan usage: here (
  https://perlancar.wordpress.com/2016/02/14/lcpan-tips-001-doc/ )'s the



Perl hacking

  Test your Git wrapper against 500 versions of Git
  Philippe takes us through all the different versions of Git that he's
  tested Git::Repository ( https://metacpan.org/pod/Git::Repository )
  against, and shares the scripts he's written to help with that.

  Programming Quadcopters, Part I
  A video of Timm's talk to Madison Perl Mongers about programming
  quadcopters in Perl.

  Simplest way of serving local files over HTTP?
  Alex wondered what's the easiest way to serve up files using a Perl 5
  module? Several people have chipped in so far in the comments, but I'm
  sure more of you won't be able to resist.



Perl 5

  P5P Mailing List Summary: February 2nd-7th
  As Chester discovers his son Danny has been sleeping with Annie and
  everyone awaits the kidnappers' demands for Jessica's release, the
  governor urges Burt to disassociate himself from his family.

  Windows DLL Relocation and Perl
  Andy describes a bug found in the way Perl builds DLL files on Windows when
  compiling with GCC, and how it was fixed.

  Run Perl::Tidy to beautify the code
  Gabor shows how you can use Perl::Tidy (
  https://metacpan.org/pod/Perl::Tidy ) to ensure your code always
  followings your layout preferences, even if some of it was written by
  someone else.

  Use Path::Tiny instead of home-made ReadFile and WriteFile
  When refactoring tests for a module, Gabor noticed functions for reading
  and writing files. He shows how you can use Path::Tiny (
  https://metacpan.org/pod/Path::Tiny ) for this, and also mentions
  File::Slurp ( https://metacpan.org/pod/File::Slurp ), which is my go-to
  module for those tasks these days.

  Perl-HowTo.de moved to GitHub Pages
  I can't really tell you much beyond the title, because it's written in



MetaCPAN and authors

  the "credit the last uploader" problem
  When you look at a module or dist on MetaCPAN or search.cpan.org, they both
  show the last person who released it. Rik points out that this isn't
  always the most appropriate person to show, and suggests that the
  <em>owner</em> of the distribution should be displayed. He also opened a
  github issue ( https://github.com/CPAN-API/metacpan-web/issues/1643 ) for
  MetaCPAN, specifically about highlighting when a module has
  <code>ADOPTME</code>, <code>HANDOFF</code>, or <code>NEEDHELP</code>.

  It takes a community to raise a CPAN module
  This was my response to Rik's post. I think that rather than show just one
  person, we should show everyone who's done a release, in the order of
  whose released most recently.

  Credit the first or last uploader on meta::cpan?
  This was Helmut's response to Rik's post. He thinks that everyone with
  upload permissions should be displayed, which is slightly different from
  my proposal.



Perl 6

  A few words on Perl 6 versioning and compatibility
  Jonathan outlines his Perl 6 will be versioned, including the language
  definition, the Rakudo compiler, and MoarVM.

  From Regular Expressions to Grammars: Pt. 2
  Jeff continues his series on Perl 6 regular expressions and grammars, which
  has so far been about the former.

  Perl6 module namespace
  Enkidu bemoans the fact that lots of Perl 6 modules are being created with
  top-level names, such as <code>Chess</code>, and not being put in
  appropriate namespaces, such as <code>Games::Chess</code>.

  Announce: Mac OS X Installer for release 2016.01
  A MacOSX installer for the latest Perl 6 Rakudo star release is now

  Text, Grammar, Tree - the 3
  Yary had been thinking about writing a reversible grammar, so you could
  feed it a parse tree and it would generate the original text (that had
  produced the parse tree). Raiph pointed out in the comments that Jonathan
  Worthington has a proof of concept already.




  Grant Proposal: RPerl User Documentation, Part 2
  Will Braswell has applied for a second grant: $1600 to continue work on the
  Learning RPerl user tutorial. Add your comments if you agree or disagree
  with this proposal being funded.



Not Perl

  How To Grow a Development Team ... Hotel California Style!
  Andrew shares his tips for minimising churn while growing a development

  Kill Your Dependencies
  Mike Perham urges Ruby developers to look to their dependencies, and trim
  them down to only those really needed. As he notes, this is an issue for
  all programming languages.

  10 golden rules for becoming a better programmer
  Paul Seal's tips on being a better programmer. What would you add to his

  5 keys to project success on GitHub
  Michael Glukhovsky, co-founder of <a href="">RethinkDB</a>, shares his tips
  for how to make your project successful on GitHub. In his words, "it's
  all about engaging the community".



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