[Kc] Since everyone is on a roll today .. is this the most efficient ...

Daryl Fallin darylvf at gmail.com
Wed Sep 19 15:06:10 PDT 2007

I haven't posted for awhile and still consider myself a total PERL newbie,
so I use the following perl to convert decimal IP notation to Quad IP
notation.  Is there a better way?

Also as you can see my use of $_[0] which works, but seems odd.  Now I can't
remember why I did it that way.

# subroutine: getip( $int )
sub getip
    my $ipinteger = $_[0];
    #print "TEST: $_[0]\n";
    my $ipbin = ip_inttobin($ipinteger, 4);
    my $ipquad = ip_bintoip($ipbin, 4);
    my $TypeIP = new Net::IP ($ipquad) or die (Net::IP::Error());
    #print "**IP IS: $ipquad\n";
    return $ipquad;
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