[JaxPM] FW: O'Reilly Releases Updated Motif Reference Manual

j proctor jproctor at oit.umass.edu
Sat Feb 26 12:40:15 CST 2000

On the jacksonville-pm-list; Jax.PM'er j proctor <jproctor at oit.umass.edu> wrote -

> Do you JaxPM'ers mind getting these?  If so,  I will stop.

Well, you were a day behind Hartford.PM in announcing the new DBI 
book, but none of the other lists I'm on has mentioned Motif at all.
Mostly, I suspect, because it's not Perl.

Otherwise, I don't care.  It saves me the trouble of driving 30 miles to
the nearest good-sized bookstore to see what's new.  Or of, uh, loading a
web page.  Well, loading the same web page every day.  You know.  :)

On the other hand, hasn't the X community all but declared Motif dead, in
favor of GTK, Qt, and even Lesstif? 


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