[pm-h] Marriage License Data

Mike Flannigan mikeflan at att.net
Sat Feb 17 03:49:36 PST 2018

On 2/16/2018 3:07 PM, Steven Lembark wrote:
> On Tue, 16 Jan 2018 20:54:43 -0600
> Mike Flannigan <mikeflan at att.net> wrote:
>> This is an archive of a website that went dead in 2011:
>> https://web.archive.org/web/20090609191130/http://www.vienici.com:80/moabs/lookups.html
>> The 3rd search box (link) takes you to:
>> https://web.archive.org/web/20090306211924/http://www.vienici.com:80/moabs/yearlastwild.asp
>> The search does not work on that page, for obvious reasons.  I have looked at
>> the page source and decided the search was run by javascript, but I could be
>> wrong about that.  If you are snowed in and have some time to devote to this,
>> what I want to know is what format was the marriage license data in on this
>> guys server.  I don't think that can be told from the page source, but I thought
>> I would ask you guys.  Perhaps you would need the ASP file to tell that??
>> It was not a huge amount of data, so it could have been in almost any format.
>> The reason I am asking is because we are trying to find that data 6 years
>> after the guy died.
>> I'm pretty sure he had an account at the Wayback Machine, and he may have stored
>> the data there, in addition to other places.
> You ever find the data you needed?

No, but it is no big deal.  I was just trying to get the data
for others.  This is one of those cases where a guy and a
bunch of helpers do a ton of work, the guy builds a website to
make the data available, then the guy dies and the data is gone.
Or at least gone to these people.

They had the data in their hands at one point (on a DVD), but then
they sent it to others who perhaps misplaced it.

I don't really care much about the data, but wanted to learn
something while trying to recover it.


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