[pm-h] Fw: Communities & UG News: Get Your Free Books + More from O'Reilly

G. Wade Johnson gwadej at anomaly.org
Sun Apr 13 16:59:07 PDT 2014

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Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 16:01:08 -0700
From: "Marsee Henon & Jon Johns" <usergroups at post.oreilly.com>
To: gwadej at anomaly.org
Subject: Communities & UG News: Get Your Free Books + More from O'Reilly

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We'd like you to share with your communities the discount codes for
ebooks and videos; your community members can enjoy 50% off ebooks and
videos with code DSUG50. This includes the videos and ebooks we're
highlighting below. 

Marsee Henon and Jon Johns

P.S. Going to ChefConf? We are looking for a local user groups to give
our Chef books to after the event Thursday. Come by the O'Reilly Booth
and say hi to Jon @jonjohns65 and Sonia.
Introduction to Python
with Jessica McKellar

Jessica McKellar is doing an introduction to Python video series for
O'Reilly. This class is for first time programmers, there are no
prerequisite, Jessica will walk through setting up your environments
and learn and practice the python programming language through a series
of fun interactive lectures and exercises.

By the end of this course you will have hands on exposure to many core
programming concepts, you'll be able to write useful Python programs,
and you'll have an excellent roadmap to continue to learn and practice
programming in Python.

- Don't miss an upload! Subscribe!
  - Stay Connected to O'Reilly Media. Visit

Available for Review

We're looking for reviewers for the following books & videos.
Consider posting your reviews on Amazon, Slashdot, oreilly.com, 
goodreads.com and/or your blog.

Learning Chef    

Building Web Apps with WordPress                                   

Mastering Bitcoin 

It's easy for you to get books for your meeting or special
events -- just email usergroups at oreilly.com and include the words
"book request" in the subject line. Don't forget to include your
deadline and shipping address. Prefer ebooks? We can send you a free
ebook certificate to print out for raffles or book reviewers.

New Releases

Java 8 Pocket Guide       

Bioinformatics Data Skills  

Client-Server Web Apps with JavaScript and Java     

Introduction to Python  

Lean UX Workshop     

Fluent Conference 2014 Complete Video Compilation   

We're always happy to offer your and your community access to our
videos for review. We have hours and hours of free content on our
YouTube channel, but many of our video compilations and in-depth
training videos are only available for purchase.  If you or your
community members would like to watch and review any of our videos,
please send us a request via usergroups at oreilly.com

Get this free Velocity Report: DevOps Hiring

Your organization is looking to hire DevOps practitioners, but the
usual methods aren’t working. How do you unearth these DevOps
creatures? Think like one. In this Web Ops & Performance report, Dave
Zwieback describes a successful model for finding, hiring, and
retaining talent based on the DevOps philosophy of Culture, Automation,
Measurement, and Sharing.


Kicking yourself for not submitting to Velocity Conference 2014? 
You're in luck! Call for Proposals for Ignite is open (Until May 16)

Stories we're following at O'Reilly

Joi Ito: “Deploy or Die” - Why everyone must understand manufacturing,
and why the most creative companies design hardware and software

Understanding the Now: The Role of Data in Adaptive Organizations - 
by @ChrisDiehl
Focusing attention on the present lets organizations pursue existing
opportunities as opposed to projected ones

Horseshoes, hand grenades, and building mobile applications
The difference between location and proximity: knowing you’re in the
restaurant vs knowing what table you’re sitting at.

3 topologies driving IoT networking standards - The importance of
network architecture on the Internet of Things

Application programming for iBeacons - iBeacons don't communicate
directly with end users — applications are required for translation and
action execution.

OSCON 2014 Registration Is Now Open (Portland, OR July 20-24)
First 500 to register can choose a new pair of Converse sneakers

The O'Reilly Open Source Convention is everything open source—the full
stack, with all of the languages, tools, frameworks, and best practices
that you use in your work every day. It's where the world's open source
users, contributors, vendors, and creators convene annually to talk
shop and learn.  It's everything you need to know about open source to
keep you ahead of the curve. 

If you are one of the first 500 to register with code CONVERSE, not
only will you be attending the 5-day festival of geekery that is OSCON,
but you can also choose a fun new pair of sneakers to debut there. Some
restrictions apply.


Apply to exhibit in the OSCON Nonprofit Pavilion (Deadline April 22)

We are once again hosting a Nonprofit Pavilion at OSCON as part of the
Expo Hall. If you're a nonprofit organization that is using open source
technologies to support your cause, mission, or community goals, we
invite you to apply for a spot in the Pavilion to showcase your
organization. Deadline to apply is April 22.

Save 20% at The O'Reilly Solid Conference (May 21-22, San Francisco)

Something big is happening at the intersection of software and hardware.
Solid focuses on the programmable world, where "things" are driven by
software and made smarter by network connections. Don't miss featured
speakers Renee DiResta from OATV, Tim O'Reilly, Rob Coneybeer from
Shasta Ventures, and Beth Comstock from GE. Early pricing ends April 17
save 20% with discount code USRG20 and share the banner on your site. 

Solid Conference Banners
Register for Solid:

Get your discounts for DevNation and RedHat Summit (San Francisco,
April 14-17)

DevNation, an open source conference by and for developers, and Red Hat
Summit, an enterprise-oriented annual conference by +Red Hat will run
in parallel in SF April 14-17. Here are some discount codes you can use
to register.

DNSTUDENT - $100 rate for students for DevNation (proof of academic
enrollment will be requested at registration)
DN50PEROFF - $298 rate for DevNation
RHSOC14 - $995 rate for Red Hat Summit

O’Reilly Author Jez Humble (Lean UX) at GOTO Chicago 2014 (Chicago, IL,
May 20–21)

O'Reilly is proud to be a sponsor of GOTO Chicago 2014. It is a 4 day
International Software Development event, with 2 conference days,
followed by two workshop days. Location: Conference: Drake Hotel //
Workshops: Gleacher Center. Save $50 on registration enter promotion
code: oreilly to receive the discount.


Get registered for Drupal Con (Austin, TX, Jun 2-6)

DrupalCon Austin will bring together thousands from around the world to
drain the city of its coffee and fill the Austin convention center with
energy, passion and deep Drupal expertise. Developers, site builders,
UX/designers, IT professionals, business owners, CMS evaluators, job
seekers and employers will descend upon Austin June 2-6, 2014. A
featured topic will be Drupal 8. This next version of Drupal contains
more than 200 improvements spanning user experience, mobile
capabilities and web services.


Save 20% at GIANT Conference (Charleston, SC, June 11-14)

Giant Conference brings together world-class speakers and talented
professionals to talk about creating rad experiences and how to make
those experiences even radder. It's coming to Charleston, South
Carolina June 11-14, 2014 for four days of sessions about user
experience, visual design, information architecture, branding, music,
e-commerce, retail and more. Get 20% off registration at GIANT
Conference with code "GIANTSPONS"


Accumulo Summit 2014 (Washington, D.C./Baltimore, MD, June 12)

Accumulo Summit 2014 is the first annual edition of the premier event
for the Apache Accumulo community. This event will bring together key
industry leaders for a day of interactive discourse. This event aims to
foster and strengthen existing relationships within the Accumulo family
and spark new partnerships. Join us as we start a tradition with what
will be the most impressive collection of Accumulo data scientists,
developers, business managers, users and enthusiasts gathered to date.
The Summit will become a key element to the evolution and growth of


Get the Early Release version of ‘Accumulo - Application Development,
Table Design, and Best Practices’ 

FREE webcast “Understanding Human Motivation in the Age of Connected

Thursday, May 1, 2014 - 10AM PT

Presented by: Michael DelGaudio

As more of the physical world is becoming connected, new and lucrative
business models are forming around industrial applications that manage
large-scale infrastructure in fields like energy production and

Designers helping to shape the connected world, need to be mindful of
human motivation and raise questions about connectivity's impact on the
individual, the community, and how we live.

In this webcast talk presented by Michael Delgaudio, we'll focus on why
the human role is crucial in the Age of Connected Machines. Actionable
methodologies for approaching large scale connected design problems are


Put Up a Banner & Get a Free Book--UG Leaders Only

We're looking for groups to display our discount banners on their
websites. If you send us your group's site with one or more banners
posted, we'll send you the O'Reilly book(s) of your choice. Choose from
the following list of banners:

Solid Conference Banners

Velocity Conference Banners

NEW! UG Discount Banners 

Buy 1 Ebook, Get 1 Free with your user group discount code: DSUG50

Looking for more? Visit oreilly.com

O'Reilly 1005 Gravenstein Highway
North, Sebastopol, CA 95472 
Follow us on Twitter @oreillyug

You are receiving this email because you are a User Group contact with
O'Reilly Media. If you would like to stop receiving these newsletters or
announcements from O'Reilly, send an email to usergroups at oreilly.com

Virtual is when it's not but it looks like it is and transparent is
when it is but it looks like it isn't.                     -- Rick
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