[pm-h] Fw: UG News: Get Your Free Books + More from O'Reilly

G. Wade Johnson gwadej at anomaly.org
Fri Nov 1 16:13:30 PDT 2013

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Date: Fri,  1 Nov 2013 16:00:32 -0700
From: "Marsee Henon & Jon Johns" <usergroups at post.oreilly.com>
To: gwadej at anomaly.org
Subject: UG News: Get Your Free Books + More from O'Reilly

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Lessons Learned from Failure

Tim O'Reilly recently posted on linkedin about Failure, and has
continued the story on the O'Reilly Radar. Read both articles and learn
that wisdom often comes from mistakes, not necessarily the vision that
sets you on fire or the goals you're aiming for.


Available for Review

The UG team is looking for reviewers for the following books& videos.
Consider posting your reviews on Amazon, Slashdot, oreilly.com, 
goodreads.com and/or your blog.

Python and HDF5 

Microsoft Office 365 Administration Inside

Velocity Conference New York 2013: Complete Video Compilation 

It's easy for you to get books for your meeting or special
events -- just email usergroups at oreilly.com and include the words
"book request" in the subject line. Don't forget to include your
deadline and shipping address. Prefer ebooks? We can send you a free
ebook certificate to print out for raffles or book reviewers.

New Releases

HTML5 and CSS3, 2nd Edition   

Survive! Inside the Human Body, Vol. 1  

Windows 8.1: Out of the Box, 2nd Edition  

3D Game Programming for Kids  


QuickBooks 2014: The Missing Manual 

O'Reilly Webcasts: Meet Experts Online For Free! 

Data and Ethics: Etiquette and Law for an Always-On World. 
Presented by Alistair Croll.    
Tuesday, November 5
7:00am PT, 10:0pm ET 

The human race is colonizing a second world - one with limitless
connectivity, eternal memory, and frictionless access to information.
It doesn't behave like the world we've lived in for millennia, and it
demands new rules and norms. We need to re-think what's right, what's
polite, and what's legal in this new world. Unfortunately, legislation
is decades behind reality, and online citizens are minting new policies
for incrimination, anonymity, perversion, and community. In this online
conference, we'll look at where ethics and the law are headed in an
always-on, data-driven society.

Join us for this free hands-on webcast. You can enjoy this informative 
presentation from the comfort of your computer chair!

To see more upcoming events and meet experts online visit 
Register for this webcast:

Quick Links	

Learn how PURSUIT could change how the internet works 

Read the surprising forensics study of a persistent BIOS Malware 

NBA Star Chris Bosh says everyone should learn to code. 

Could your home appliances be spying on you? 

What We're Discussing at O'Reilly This Week

Data journalism and social media merge, a call-out for 'crap' data
journalism, and tips for creating a data resume.	

The California Condor Cam	

Velocity NY Recap	

The Internet of Things Needs the Laws of Robotics	

Save $200 off registration at AnDevCon Nov 12-15, San Francisco

AnDevCon is the technical conference for software developers building
or selling Android apps.  It will offer one day of intensive tutorials,
followed by three days of technical classes.  More than 1,000 software
developers, engineers and entrepreneurs from 30 nations are projected
to attend AnDevCon and choose from 70+ classes to bring Android open
source development to a high level. Exhibits admission is free:  visit
more than 40 exhibitors!  $200 discount with code ANDROID. 


Get your 10% discounted registration at Modev East (Dec 12-14 McLean,

The schedule and speakers have just been announced for ModevEast Dec
12-14 in McLean, VA, the East coast's most important mobile event of
2013. Three days of learning and networking that'll whip your mobile
strategy into shape for 2014. 95+ mobile leaders have been confirmed so
far including David Payne, Kelly Hoey, Maximiliano Firtman, Patrick
Meenan, and Sian Morson. Plenaries and breakouts in Mobile Dev, UX,
Marketing, and Enterprise. 3-Day passes available for just $219. Save
an additional 10% with code ORMUG13.

Don't miss the Carpathia Tech Hero Tour

The Carpathia Tech Hero Tour is coming to a city near you! What is a
Tech Hero you might ask? They're the under-appreciated and unsung
heroes of the digital age, facing changing technologies, increased
demands and a variety of other forces. Find out when it is near you:


Put Up a Banner & Get a Free Book--UG Leaders Only

We're looking for groups to display our discount banners on their
websites. If you send us your group's site with one or more banners
posted, we'll send you the O'Reilly book(s) of your choice. Choose from
the following list of banners:

UG Program Banners 

UG Discount Banners 

Buy 1 Ebook, Get 1 Free with your user group discount code: DSUG2

Looking for more? Visit oreilly.com

O'Reilly 1005 Gravenstein Highway
North, Sebastopol, CA 95472 
Follow us on Twitter @oreillyug

You are receiving this email because you are a User Group contact with
O'Reilly Media. If you would like to stop receiving these newsletters or
announcements from O'Reilly, send an email to usergroups at oreilly.com

There will always be things we wish to say in our programs that in all
known languages can only be said poorly.             -- Alan Perlis
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