[pm-h] Fw: UG News: Get Your Free Books + More from O'Reilly

G. Wade Johnson gwadej at anomaly.org
Sat Jun 22 20:19:36 PDT 2013

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Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 16:00:38 -0700
From: "Marsee Henon & Jon Johns" <usergroups at post.oreilly.com>
To: gwadej at anomaly.org
Subject: UG News: Get Your Free Books + More from O'Reilly

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Summer has officially begun this weekend, and traditionally it is the
time for travel, vacation, and trips to the great outdoors.  We'd like
to hear from you where you might be heading this summer.  National
Park? Museum? Stay-Cation? Conferences? Safe travels!


--Marsee Henon and Jon Johns

Available for Review

The UG team is looking for reviewers for the following books& videos.
Consider posting your reviews on Amazon, Slashdot, oreilly.com, and/or
your blog.

Functional JavaScript  

Present Yourself

Learning Java, 4th Edition 

It's easy for you to get books for your meeting or special
events - just email usergroups at oreilly.com and include the words
"book request" in the subject line. Don't forget to include your
deadline and shipping address. Prefer ebooks? We can send you a free
ebook certificate to print out for raffles or book reviewers.

New Releases

Designing for Behavior Change 

Raspberry Pi Cookbook   

Programming 3D Applications with HTML5 and WebGL

Heroku: Up and Running    

Test-Driven Infrastructure with Chef

Microsoft SharePoint 2013: Planning for Adoption and Governance 

O'Reilly Webcasts: Meet Experts Online For Free!  

Tuesday, June 25
10am PT, 1pm ET 

Intro to Raspberry Pi. Presented by Ed Snajder

Ever wonder what is the difference between a Raspberry Pi and an
Arduino? Ed Snajder is here to let you know. That question and more
will be answered in the next O'Reilly webcast. Prepare to learn just
what exactly is a Raspberry Pi, cool things being done with Raspberry
Pi, and be inspired to make awesome things with Raspberry Pi.

Join us for this free hands-on webcast. You can enjoy this informative 
presentation from the comfort of your computer chair!

To see more upcoming events and meet experts online visit 

O'Reilly Programming Blog

Our programming blog covers a wide range of topics and has quickly
become one of our most popular blogs.  With experts like Rachel
Roumeliotis, Simon St. Laurent, and Laura Klein contributing, you will
always find something interesting. 

Mobile First? Not So Fast!
Why "flow" and "context" are more important than screen size
by Laura Klein

Practice Makes Programmers
A few iterations make even functional programming digestible
by Simon St. Laurent

Rapping about RepRap
OSCON 2013 Speaker Series
by Rachel Roumeliotis

Strata Conference + Hadoop World (Oct 28-30, NYC)

The Strata Conference + Hadoop World is October 28-30 in New York
City. Everyone's talking about big data, but who's actually doing it
right-and how? You can find out for yourself - Best price ends July
11th, and you can add on your 20% discount (USRG) for even better
pricing. You can keep up with Strata year round with the Strata Blog,
and Strata Newsletter, too, and if you'd like to see last years
content, check out some of last years video from the conference.


A Cautionary Tale of Unicode

We have all grown to understand that we live in a UTF-8 world, but
sometimes being overly flexible when accepting input from the Web can
lead to disaster. This story of Unicode Gone Bad is a good reminder
that input sanitizing is an evolving field.


Velocity New York Oct 14-16, 2013 - Best Pricing ends July 11 
(add your discount code, USRG for an additional 20% off!)	

Cultivate Conference New York Oct 14 - Use discount code USRG for 20%

Lonestar Ruby Conference Austin, Texas July 18-20	

PyOhio  Columbus, Ohio July 27-28 - PyOhio is a free (thanks sponsors!)
annual conference for Python programmers in and around Ohio and the
entire Midwest.

Put Up a Banner & Get a Free Book--UG Leaders Only

We're looking for groups to display our discount banners on their
websites. If you send us your group's site with one or more banners
posted, we'll send you the O'Reilly book(s) of your choice. Choose from
the following list of banners:

OSCON Conference Banners

UG Program Banners 

UG Discount Banners 

Buy 1 Ebook, Get 1 Free with your user group discount code: DSUG2

Looking for more? Visit oreilly.com

O'Reilly 1005 Gravenstein Highway
North, Sebastopol, CA 95472 
Follow us on Twitter @oreillyug

You are receiving this email because you are a User Group contact with
O'Reilly Media. If you would like to stop receiving these newsletters or
announcements from O'Reilly, send an email to usergroups at oreilly.com

C++ tries to guard against Murphy, not Machiavelli.
                                                    -- Damian Conway
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