[pm-h] Fw: [pm_groups] International Perl resources

G. Wade Johnson gwadej at anomaly.org
Mon Sep 21 05:19:04 PDT 2009

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2009 12:54:44 +0300
From: Gabor Szabo <szabgab at gmail.com>
To: PM Groups <pm_groups at pm.org>
Subject: [pm_groups] International Perl resources

I'd appreciate if you forwarded this to your perl monger list or just
read it and acted on it.

       ----------------------- cut here -----------------------------


Maybe it is just me, who does not speak your language but I have no idea
what Perl related resource are there in Turkish, Greek, Arabic or almost
any other language.

I think it would be important that perl.org or learn.perl.org or both
make it easy for people who are less than comfortable in English to
find resource in your language.

So as a first step I setup a page on the TPF wiki to collect this


Please update that page with a link to the "Perl Portal" in your
language or if you have several important resources than add links to
all of them.

If you are too lazy to update the wiki, you can also send the link and
the title in your language to me and I'll update the wiki.

Gabor Szabo <szabgab at gmail.com>
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