[pm-h] Fw: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, March 5
G. Wade Johnson
gwadej at anomaly.org
Thu Mar 5 16:02:24 PST 2009
Begin forwarded message:
Date: Thu, 05 Mar 2009 13:18:05 -0800
From: "Marsee Henon" <marsee at oreilly.com>
To: gwadej at anomaly.org
Subject: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, March 5
Hi there,
I hope you're enjoying your spring. We've had a month of much needed
rain here in Sebastopol, CA. But that hasn't slowed us down. We've been
working on some new projects like O'Reilly Master Classes and Developer
In this increasingly competitive job market, having top-of-the-line
technical and management skills is critical. The good news is that you
can improve your skills and learn some new techniques that will make you
irreplaceable--without breaking the bank. Right now user group members
can save 35% on an O'Reilly Master class, and learn directly from Scott
Berkun on project management, Jonathan Zdziarski on iPhone forensics,
Douglas Crockford on JavaScript coding, and Steve Souders on improving
website performance. Give your career a real boost--just go to
<http://training.oreilly.com> and use special offer code masterclassug
to register and save 25%. Register by March 15 and get an extra $50 off.
Speaking of discounts, I took a very quick poll from a couple of
user group leaders and discovered there is quite a bit of confusion
about our current book discount for user group members.
Currently we offer 35% off with code DSUG on books, ebooks, and
PDFs ordered directly through oreilly.com. Receive free ground
shipping on orders of $29.95 or more in the US.
International members and those of you looking for digital
content--ordering an ebook is very easy and quick and gives you a DRM
free version of our book you can read instantly in PDF, Kindle, iPhone,
or other mobile formats. Read more about all our ebooks and how
to use them at <http://oreilly.com/ebooks>.
Looking for even more info about our authors? We've just created a
special O'Reilly Authors group twitter account
<http://twitter.com/oReillyauthors> that allows our authors to share
with you directly. Read more on our blog post.
O'Reilly UG Program News--Just for User Group Leaders
March 5, 2009
Put Up a Banner, Get a Free Book
We're looking for user groups to display our discount banners on their
web sites. If you send me your group's site with one or more banners,
I'll send you the O'Reilly book(s) of your choice. Choose from
the following list:
Found Banners
Where Banners
RailsConf Banners
OSCON Banners
Customizable O'Reilly Book Widgets
35% off User Group Discount Banners
O'Reilly News for User Group Members
March 5, 2009
New Releases--Books, Short Cuts, and Rough Cuts
Get 35% off from O'Reilly, No Starch, Paraglyph, PC Publishing,
Pragmatic Bookshelf, Rocky Nook, SitePoint, or YoungJin books and ebooks
you purchase directly from O'Reilly. Just use code DSUG when ordering
online or by phone 800-998-9938.
Free ground shipping on orders of $29.95 or more.
For more details, go to:
Did you know you can request a free book, ebook, or PDF to review
for your group? Ask your group leader for more information.
For book review writing tips and suggestions, go to:
New Releases:
97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know
Adobe Illustrator CS4 One-on-One
Agile Web Development with Rails, Third Edition (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
Apprenticeship Patterns
Architectural Photography (Rocky Nook)
Beautiful Teams
Build a Better Photograph (Rocky Nook)
Cisco Routers for the Desperate, Second Edition (No Starch)
Cocoa Programming (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
Computer Orchestration Tips and Tricks (PC Publishing)
Data Warehousing with SAP BW7 BI in SAP Netweaver 2004s (Rocky Nook)
Growing Software (No Starch)
iMovie '09 and iDVD: The Missing Manual
iWork '09: The Missing Manual: Rough Cuts Version
Java Web Services: Up and Running
Make: Technology on Your Time Volume 17
Manage Your Project Portfolio (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
Masterminds of Programming
Network Know-How (No Starch)
Palm webOS: Rough Cuts Version
Photoshop CS4 Photographer's Handbook (Rocky Nook)
Practical Digital Photomicrography (Hard Cover) (Rocky Nook)
Programming Entity Framework
Programming F#: Rough Cuts Version
Programming Ruby 1.9 (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
Programming Scala (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
Programming Scala: Rough Cuts Version
Programming the Semantic Web: Rough Cuts Version
Scanning Negatives and Slides, Second Edition (Rocky Nook)
Security Monitoring
Sexy Web Design (SitePoint)
Take Control of Running Windows on a Mac, Third Edition (TidBITS)
The Book of Inkscape (No Starch)
The Manga Guide to Electricity (No Starch)
The Nikon Creative Lighting System (Rocky Nook)
The Nikon D90 Companion
MAKE Magazine Subscriptions
The annual subscription price for four issues is $34.95. When you
subscribe with this link, you'll get a free issue--one plus four
more for $34.95. So subscribe for yourself or friends with this
great offer for UG Members: five volumes for the cost of four.
Subscribe at:
Upcoming Author Events
For more events, please see:
Lesa Snider King at Geek Girl Camp
Mar 7, 2009
Cape Cod Community College
Hyannis, MA
Author Lesa Snider King (Photoshop CS4: The Missing Manual) presents her
digital photography and Photoshop Elements workshop "How to Shoot & Edit
Like a Pro". She's also teaching "Graphic Secrets for Presenters" which
focuses on how to give better presentations by telling your story
through pictures, and how to use Photoshop or Elements to turn the
imagery you have into the imagery you need.
Joshua-Michele Ross Featured on "Press:Here"
Mar 8, 2009
Joshua-Michele Ross will be featured on "Press:Here," joined by John
Schwarz from USA Today and Sarah Lacey from Business Week and Yahoo.
The topic will be on Twitter--exploring questions such as what is the
value of Twitter to you personally, professionally, and to your brand.
Dean Wampler at SD West
Mar 10-12, 2009
Santa Clara Convention Center
Santa Clara, CA
Author Dean Wampler (co-author of Programming Scala) is teaching a
tutorial on "The Seductions of Scala" and a class on "Better Ruby
through Functional Programming" at SD West 2009. The tutorial is March
10th and the class is March 12th.
Nancy Duarte Presenting at the Forum for Women Entrepreneurs &
Mar 11, 2009
Menlo Park, CA
Nancy Duarte (slide:ology) will be presenting at the Forum for Women
Entrepreneurs & Executives (FWE&E). You'll gain insights into story
structures and the power that a well developed and delivered
presentation can have.
QCon London 2009
Mar 11-13, 2009
The Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre
London, UK
The third annual London enterprise software development conference
designed for team leads, architects and project management is back!
There is no other event in the UK with similar opportunities for
learning, networking, and tracking innovation occurring in the Java,
.NET, Ruby, SOA, Agile, and architecture communities. Madness and fun!
Lesa Snider King at Geek Girl Camp
Mar 12, 2009
Randolph, MA
Author Lesa Snider King (Photoshop CS4: The Missing Manual) presents her
digital photography and Photoshop Elements workshop "How to Shoot & Edit
Like a Pro". She's also teaching "Graphic Secrets for Presenters" which
focuses on how to give better presentations by telling your story
through pictures, and how to use Photoshop or Elements to turn the
imagery you have into the imagery you need.
Ken Lunde at Worldware Conference
Mar 17-19, 2009
Hilton Santa Clara
Santa Clara, CA
Author Ken Lunde (CJKV Information Processing) presents "GB 18030 –
Regional Challenges in Internationalizing Software."
Wendy Chisholm and Matt May at SXSW
Mar 17, 2009
Room Day Stage, Austin Convention Center
Austin, TX
Authors Wendy Chisholm and Matt May read from and discuss Universal
Design for Web Applications.
Nancy Duarte Speaks at presentation//reboot
Mar 17-19, 2009
Duarte Design, 161 E. Evelyn Ave.
Mountain View, CA
Nancy Duarte (slide:ology) and Garr Reynolds host a six-hour seminar on
presentations. This seminar will transform you into a creative thinker
and change the way you prepare, design, and deliver your next
presentation. Choose from three different days, and register now--space
is limited.
Bill Scott at Mix09
Mar 18-20, 2009
The Venetian
Las Vegas, NV, USA
Author Bill Scott (Designing Web Interfaces: Principles and Patterns for
Rich Interaction) will be presenting "Interactive Prototyping with
Nancy Duarte Honored at Silicon Valley's 2009 Women of Influence Awards
Mar 18, 2009
The Fairmont Hotel
San Jose, CA
Silicon Valley/San Jose Business Journal and El Camino Hospital will
recognize 100 outstanding women who exercise power and influence within
business, government, or nonprofits in Silicon Valley, and serve as role
models for future generations of leaders. Among the honorees is Nancy
Duarte, author of slide:ology. Registration is mandatory.
Stephen Johnson Gives a Class on Hands-on Digital Black and White
Mar 19-22, 2009
Stephen Johnson Studios & Gallery
Pacifica, CA
Join Stephen Johnson (Stephen Johnson on Digital Photography) in his
studio for four days of hands-on printing instruction.
Dux Raymond Sy presents "7 Ways to Leverage SharePoint for Project
Management Success"
Mar 23, 2009
Sheraton Inner Harbor, Baltimore, MD, USA
Dux Raymond Sy (SharePoint for Project Management) will present "7 Ways
to Leverage SharePoint for Project Management Success" at the SharePoint
Conference.ORG. Acquire the practical knowledge of how SharePoint can
address common project management challenges such as Inefficient
communication among stakeholders, poor document management practices,
and undefined project collaboration standards that can compromise
project success.
Lesa Snider King at Photoshop World Boston
Mar 25, 2009
Hynes Convention Center, Boston, MA
Lesa Snider King (Photoshop CS4: The Missing Manual) presents "Graphic
Secrets: Combining Photos & Vectors." Learn how to easily combine
illustrations with photography in this super creative session. Glean the
secret to importing vectors into your document so you can experiment
with them as backgrounds, artful embellishments, ornamental photo
frames, and more -- all without losing an ounce of quality!
Dux Raymond Sy presents: "Empowering Your Organization with SharePoint:
An Executive Seminar"
Mar 30, 2009
Learning Tree Alexandria Education Center
Alexandria, VA
Over the course of one day, SharePoint expert Dux Raymond Sy (SharePoint
for Project Management) will detail the benefits SharePoint can deliver
to your organization through a combination of lecture, presentations and
demonstrations. This comprehensive, non-technical overview is designed
to help you assess how SharePoint Technologies can have a positive
effect on your company’s productivity and competitiveness.
"Using Drupal" Authors Present Lullabot Drupal Workshops
Mar 30-Apr 3, 2009
Biltmore Hotel, Providence, RI
Authors James Walker, Jeff Robbins, Angie Byron, and Nate Haug (Using
Drupal) will be leading a week of Drupal workshops in Providence, RI.
Conferences and Special Events
User Group Discount Information for our upcoming conferences:
Last Chance--Emerging Technology Conference 2009
March 9-12, 2009
San Jose, CA
Use code "et09usrg" when you register, and receive an additional 30% off
the registration price.
To register for the conference, go to:
O'Reilly Found, The Search Acquisition and Architecture Conference
June 9-11, 2009
Burlingame, CA
Use code "fo09usrg" when you register, and receive 15% off
the registration price. Early registration ends on April 21.
To register for the conference, go to:
Velocity 2009
June 22-24, 2009
San Jose, CA
Use code "vel09usrg" when you register, and receive 15% off
the registration price. Early registration ends on May 3.
To register for the conference, go to:
RailsConf 2009
Co-presented by O'Reilly Media and Ruby Central
May 4-7, 2009
Las Vegas, NV
Use code "rc09usrg" when you register, and receive 10% off
the registration price. Early registration ends on March 16.
To register for the conference, go to:
Where 2.0 Conference 2009
May 19-21, 2009
San Jose, CA
Use code "whr09usrg" when you register, and receive 15% off
the registration price. Early registration ends on March 31.
To register for the conference, go to:
MySQL Conference & Expo
Co-presented by O'Reilly Media and MySQL
April 20-23, 2009
Santa Clara, CA
Use code "mys09usrg" when you register, and receive 15% off
the registration price.
To register for the conference, go to:
Web 2.0 Expo San Francisco
Co-presented by O'Reilly Media and TechWeb
March 31-April 3, 2009
San Francisco, CA
Use code "websf09ugp" when you register, and receive 15% off
the registration price. Or use code "websf09ug" and receive
$100 off or a free expo hall pass.
To register for the conference, go to:
OSCON 2009
July 20-24, 2009
San Jose, CA
If you have ideas for speakers and topics please send them to:
oscon-idea at oreilly.com
If you had five minutes on stage what would you say? What if you only
got 20 slides and they rotated automatically after 15 seconds? Around
the world geeks have been putting together Ignite nights to show their
Create your own Ignite in your area
Upcoming Ignite events:
For more events, go to <http://ignite.oreilly.com/>
Ignite Orlando
March 4, 2009
Slingapours, 27 Wall Street Plaza
Orlando, FL
Ignite Reno 1
March 7, 2009
148 West St.
Reno, NV
Ignite Denver 2
March 11, 2009
Forest Room 5
Denver, CO
Announcing Ignite Spatial 2
March 11, 2009
52 King St
Sydney New South Wales, Australia
Ignite Boise
March 19, 2009
Egyptian Theater, 700 W. Main Street,
Boise, ID
Ignite Salt Lake 2
March 26, 2009
677 South 200 West
Salt Lake City UT, USA
O'Reilly School of Technology
O'Reilly School of Technology Courses: UG Members Receive
a 30% Discount
In today's economy, it's crucial to stay competitive in Information
Technology. With the O'Reilly School of Technology, you can do just
that--at your own pace, with 1-to-1 instructor support, real tools, and
free books.
Our online learning methods are second to none, and when you're done
you'll have earned a University of Illinois Professional Development
Certificate--and the proven experience to advance your career. As an
O'Reilly User Group member, you save on all the courses in the following
University of Illinois Certificate Series:
-Java Programming
-PHP/SQL Programming
-Linux/Unix System Administration
-Web Programming
-Open Source Programming
-.NET Programming
-Client-Side Web Programming featuring AJAX
To redeem, use Promotion Code "ORALL1" good for a 30% discount,
in Step #2 of the enrollment process. Each course comes with a free
O'Reilly book and a 7-day money-back guarantee.
Register online:
(This discount is not combinable with other offers.)
News From O'Reilly & Beyond
News & Blogs
Listen to the O'Reilly Week in Review
Get some O'Reilly on your iPod! Every week, we take the wisdom of
O'Reilly, and squeeze it down into a bite-sized podcast you can listen
to on the go. The O'Reilly Week in Review features excerpts from
interviews, tips from authors, roundtable discussions from the
editors, and a quiz that can score you a free O'Reilly book.
Subscribe via iTunes or search for "week in review" on the O'Reilly
web site to listen from your browser.
Can Subversion help teams work better? Tell us and you could win one of
10 great prize packages!
Are you on a team that works with shared documents? If so, you know what
a headache version control can be. The good news is that there is a
remedy: Subversion, a simple yet powerful open-source document
management tool that streamlines the versioning process. O'Reilly,
Beanstalk, Versions, and CollabNet--four companies who make working
with Subversion even easier--want to hear your best stories about how
Subversion has or could help your team. Tell us your story by March 6,
2009 and enter to win one of 10 Prize Packages.
State of the Computer Book Market 2008
As described in Computer Book Sales as a Technology Trend Indicator, and
our other posts on the State of the Computer Book Market we have an
updated series of posts that show the whole market's final 2008 numbers.
Part 2: The Technologies
Part 3: The Publishers
Part 4:The Languages
Part 5: eBooks and Summary
Why Kindle Should Be An Open Book
In O'Reilly Insights on Forbes.com, Tim O'Reilly boldly predicts that
"unless Amazon embraces open ebook standards like epub, which allow
readers to read books on a variety of devices, the Kindle will be gone
within two or three years." In the new column, O'Reilly explains why
he's thrown his support behind "epub and other open ebook standards,
providing our books as "ebook bundles" that give the reader the choice
of pdf (still the only viable choice for many highly formatted books
like our Head First series of "brain friendly" tutorials that even HTML
can't handle), epub, and mobi, an HTML-based predecessor to the Kindle
format that lacks digital rights management but that can be imported
into the Kindle."
Deke McClelland's Martini Hour Visualization Contest Details
The basic idea is simple; create a graphic that can be used to promote
Martini Hour that features some Deke, some Colleen, and some Martini or
other refreshing beverage. You can use the raw materials we have posted
in the dekeOnline Flickr group. Or you can use anything you like.
(Remember, Deke likes costumes and weapons.)
Twitter Drives Traffic, Sales: A Case Study
Back in December, Dell reported that offers from its Dell Outlet Twitter
account had led to more than $1 million in revenue. A small percentage
for a company that books $16B in revenue annually--but a nice number
nonetheless, particularly in a dreary economy. Question is: are they the
only ones?
Call For Makers: Maker Faire Bay Area 2009
We are now accepting entries for the Maker Faire Bay Area, May 30 and 31
at the San Mateo County Expo Center. This year's focus is Re-Make
America, inspired by President Obama's call for all of us to participate
in remaking America. We're looking to showcase "the risk-takers, the
doers, the makers of things."
Sneak Peek at iWork '09 & Share Your Tips Contest
Currently available as a Rough Cut, the new book will teach you
everything you need to know about Apple's incredible productivity
programs, including the Pages word-processor, the Numbers spreadsheet,
and the Keynote presentation program that Al Gore and Steve Jobs made
famous. Read an excerpt from Josh Clark's work in progress, (adapted for
the web). Then, take a minute to share an iWork '09 tip and you could
win free access to iWork '09: The Missing Manual: Rough Cuts Version.
What You'll Find in "Ruby Best Practices"
When Ruby Best Practices first entered roughcuts, Gregory Brown passed
on a couple copies to some reviewers to see what they thought, and Peter
Cooper summed things up pretty accurately.
And here's a sample chapter "Mastering the Dynamic Toolkit" in PDF:
Ignite Launches Weekly Video Series Highlighting the Best of Geek
Ignite captures the best of geek culture in a series of five-minute
speed presentations on topics ranging from "The Best Way to Buy a Car"
to "Hacking Chocolate" to "Transhuman Technology Trends." Imagine that
you're on stage in front of an audience of hundreds of people, doing a
five-minute presentation using a slide deck that auto-forwards every 15
seconds, whether you're ready or not. What would you do? What would you
say? Could you stand the pressure? Every week, find out how some of the
smartest minds on the planet dealt with this situation as your host,
Brady Forrest, highlights a different talk from Ignites around the
Safari Books Online Optimizes for Top Mobile Devices
Safari Books Online Ubiquitous for Users On-the-Go
Safari Books Online is now fully optimized to support the top mobile
devices in the United States. The new website, m.safaribooksonline.com,
optimizes Safari Books Online's content and reading experience for the
majority of mobile phones (such as Nokia, BlackBerry, iPhone, and
Windows Mobile), making it possible for users to read while on-the-go.
ETech Preview: Creating Biological Legos
If you've gotten tired of hacking firewalls or cloud computing, maybe
it's time to try your hand with DNA. That's what Reshma Shetty is doing
with her Doctorate in Biological Engineering from MIT. Apart from her
crowning achievement of getting bacteria to smell like mint and bananas,
she's also active in the developing field of synthetic biology and has
recently helped found a company called Gingko BioWorks which is
developing enabling technologies to allow for rapid prototyping of
biological systems.
ETech Preview: Inside Factory China, An Interview with Andrew Huang
China has become the production workhorse of the consumer electronics
industry. Almost anything you pick up at a Best Buy first breathed life
across the Pacific Ocean. But what is it like to shepherd a product
through the design and production process? Andrew "bunnie" Huang has
done just that with the Chumby, a new internet appliance.
Until next time--
Marsee Henon
1005 Gravenstein Highway North
Sebastopol, CA 95472
Follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/OReillyMedia
You are receiving this email because you are a User Group
contact with O'Reilly Media. If you would like to stop
receiving these newsletters or announcements from O'Reilly,
send an email to marsee at oreilly.com
There are only two kinds of programming languages: those people always
bitch about and those nobody uses. -- Bjarne Stroustrup
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